Well its been a while.... which means I have been extremely busy or lazy... I dont know which really, but what I do know is that I am back and I dont really have anything to complain about today. There are some wicked movies being released tomorrow and I am going to go rent them... Including Silent Hill... I have yet to see it, but I hear it is pretty good.
I still muddle through these levels that gamespot provides with no real knowledge of how long it will take to arrive at level 10 my ultimate goal. I dance around as much as I can, asking stupid questions to fanboys that give me no logical answer other than "because you should" needless to say I still wonder blindly about certain issues at hand... all in good time I tell myself, then the answers will be revealed. I try to contribute as much as possible but in the end it will probably be a time period before it is even possible for me to advance.
I am creating videos (I think I have 5 so far) to post, but it could be some time before hitting level 10. That could be a blessing so that I can make some more videos and have them ready or bad because I could give up until that fateful day arrives. I wont wait either... on that day I will probably upload every video I have as fast as possible only to have no more for weeks to come. Not really a good battle plan but I am very impatient when it comes to these matters.
My videos are SNES Classics so far... I dont think that will change either for awhile... I have many games that I have poured through so many times that other people might want to see the ending of... I also plan on showing some gameplay stuff from the more obscure ones... Including a speed run of one of them... all games will remain secret until that fateful day, but I'm sure no one will be dissappointed. I am going to refrain from doing endings to games that already have game endings posted for them (congrats to those people who have already posted good vids) but the longer I wait the more chance there is of a duplicate... I bide my time... waiting for the time to strike...