When I played Paper Mario: Thousand year door for the GameCube, I was intrigued and, despite a few things, enjoyed it. I am always put off by random side quests that don't have any forseeable benefit or that you cant complete at least part of as you progress. I do not enjoy playing the same levels over again to reach one certain point where I need an ability I didnt have the first time. Pointless running around just to collect worthless items seems frivolous. Thousand Year Door did this to some extent, but not to the extent that Super Paper Mario did. Maps and Cards and the like seemed repetative and pointless. I also dont really go for the "home base" prgression through the game. Every time you beat something you end up right back where you started to discover more secrets of the same area. Its redundant.
Super Paper Mario was basically a let down. It really had no challenge. I knew that the battle system had been changed, but I kind of expected a little better way to battle enemies. And switching between characters frequently just stops the action... at least put a fast swap or something...
Oh well... its under my belt and now I can focus on GOD OF WAR 2, but I have this distinct feeling that Kratos is an Idiot. He treats the other gods like crap and then foolishly thinks that Zues is going to help him and, of course, things turn out poorly...
P.S. I dont like the weapon upgrade system of GOD of WAR... never did.....
What can you do?