I thought I had one more day to spend on Call of Duty 3, but I was wrong and my Wii console showed up at my doorstep today. It was sitting in the cold on my front porch for who knows how long and any looky-loo could have seen it, but there it was in all its glory.
I am thrilled to get it and have been playing Wii Sports just to get used to the controller. I dont understand the boxing very well... I dont know if I just dont get it or what, but I cant ever seem to make the boxer do what I want... I played about 6 rounds and won them all somehow. This one might go on the back burner so that I may start my epic quest of ZELDA, or save lives in Trauma Center. Either way I am set on games for a while.
Ahh sweet satisfaction....
My Wii Code is: 8647-2258-4543-6097