Esqualax's forum posts
Sall there.
Ok sweet,
thanks a bunch guys.
The plan is to sell it to get just that little bit extra cash to buy a new car,
Then i will re buy a ps3 when the next price drop comes. Or sweet deal.
Thanks again for the help.
Hey guys,
I am in need of some fast cash so i am planning to sell my ps3 on ebay.
The only thing im not sure of is your psn id.
Would it just be sold with it, so the buyer gets to know the password and email address or can it be changed or reset or something?
Help would be appreciated.
UT3 isn't released in Australia until late feb,
I dont have the patients to wait that long so i was thinking of importing a copy.
I know that the ps3 is region free. But would a pal ps3 system be able to run an American ntsc version of ut3 in standard definition using the av cables?
I read somewhere that an ntsc system had troubles running a pal game so im not sure.
Any help would be appreciated.
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