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EternalDark12 Blog

RPG makers hate me....

So it seems that all the RPG's I'd like to try nowadays are coming out on the DS. And I don't have a DS. I know - solution buy a DS, right? While that'd be fairly simple actually, I can't buy all the games I want so this is just killing me. I want to play Devil's Survivor and When the World Ends (titles? Its early...give me a break..) too!!

But this brings ups another point - if many game producers can make games for multiple consoles, why can't they do with handhelds? It's make my life happy and a lot of other PSP owners happy as well. Nintendo's tight rein on the games that they allow to be played on their systems needs to loosen. They make money from their devices and their games. They should start thinking of the gamer.

*Sigh* Oh well...worst comes to worse, I can just partake in emulators.

So many games, so little time

Ever since E3 (and before then really) I've been anticipating so many games. But I'm in the middle of about 5 games right now - old and new. From FFVII to Fallout 3 to Prince of Persia I'm playing them. On multiple systems. And the review of games has just sparked a desire for more systems. But over the past year, other than Tales of the Abyss, I haven't sat down to finish a game and truly appreciate it. Sure I've spent over 20 hours on each game but I feel like I'm selling myself and the game short.

My problem is that I'm spending more time on Gamespot than playing games. I love finding out about new ones, And I think I have good reason- the gaming industry's future looks so damn bright!! Its the only recession-proof industry. Its impressive so I could blame my lack of resolve to play games on school (I had to apply to college and pass all of my senior year courses) but I can't help but wonder if I love learning about games rather than playing them....

Wait. Thats not true. Nevermind. Going to play FFVII on my PC now. Thank god for summer vacations.

still MIA

well, i relaize my absence has been over extended but it will be for a while longer. my computer decided that it hates me and won't even turn on anymore. so i have a much bigger problem to fix and thus i need much more money to do it. just came on to say i will continue to be MIA until further notice.

That was scary...

Okay , I'll make this short. I'm going to be MIA (missing in action...) because today my computer just wouldn't come on. It was scary. ithought it had officially died. and i almost had a heart attack. Luckily it came back on but unfortunately, until I can figure out what the problems on it are, i'm just not going to get on the crazy image packed computer killing gamspot (which i actually adore) as much or if at allin the next couple of weeks. But i'm also forsaking my other forum stuff too so this sight isn't going to be the only ne denied.

So until things with this stupid machine get figured out, sayonara suckers! 

as always..

There's always a lot of time between when I update my blog. But anyways, just to say whats going on, since I haven't been on gamespot in a few days...

First of all I hate my computer. The interent has been acting up which has been really annoying added to the constant problem of the fact that it crashes. I need to get a new.

But on my actual life, now that i've firmly decided to take a break from FF12, I started playingRadiata Stories. Its fun and obnoxious and once I got over my annoyance with the chracters it was really enjoyably. One of the few RPGs to make me laugh.
I kind of feel like playing racing or fighting games. Probably because i haven't done it in a while. I'm always up for Need for Speed or Soul Calibur and it'd be even better if it were for my PSP or Wii.

And I once again invovled in a play thats goingt o be taking up all my time until next Sat. So that'll be fun. Its a new perspective since for the first time I'll be working behind the scenes.

And thats life. Full of boring english books (i used to like the books we were assigned... at one point) birthday after birthday, math that'll never be used in real life and etc.

evil enix

Well, I just finished midterms and I'm glad I'm done. I somehow mangaed to keep my grades up but then again i haven't been doing anything really fun lately.

But anyways, FF12 is frustrating. I want it to be an action packed flowing city filled FF game but its nnot! Although its a good game...its pissing me off. >_

A while....

Well heres my updates although I doubt anyones going to read this.

I had a nice vacation from school. Unfortunately its started again but I think I'll live. But whats more important is that I got WII!!!!! its ....interesting to say the least. I haven't got a real good chance to play it since my brother is enjoying but I don't have any problem with that at this time. Right now, I've abandoned Tales of Phantasia for the time being and I'm trying to get as far as possible in FF12 which my friend let me borrow. It contains a lot of the politics that was were common in FF Tactics (the game Ivalice ariginated in)  but it still has that personal touch that all the FF games have. And its gorgeous.     
Right now i'm trying to fight the second esper (summon) and she's kicking my but. I'm going to try with all my might to beat her this week-end and end this over a week long struggle (week with barely any playing due to school). But even so if I can't get past it I have games lined up. Not only do I have the new wii to play but I finally got Fire Emblem Path of Radiance and Radiata Stories to also occupy my time (plus that whole finishing Tales of Phantasia thing)

So the world of video games for me right now is secure (even if I am frustrated out of my mind.)

One awesome weekend...I

Well, Ido have to say that last weekend i had an amazing time. I didn't get srunk off my ass and have a brilliant time but hey, I'm not really into those types of things. What I did do was get to see this hilarious christmas play by two comedians who travel with the rennaissance fair. There was this amazing sonug about satan.." What does satan wanty for christmas? what will briing ol' satan cheer? what  does he want for a gift? what does satan want this year!!!"

Yea but anyways.. the most amazing part came from a tragedy. Although Stranger then fiction has been out for nearly a month, it was sold out when I wanted to see it. SOLD OUT!!! I couldn't believe it. So, my and my friends sdecided to splurge all the money we bought on video games. Much better. We bought  Radiata Stories and Fire Emblem : Path of Radiance.  I can't wait to try them. My friend is holding ouit on me because this Sunday is gonna be my birthday so I can't have them yet. But she did slide me over by letting borrow FF12!!! YAY!!! I finally got to play it and its beautiful.  Although its not the best rpg I've ever played its still pretty damn good. And so now I'll stop ranting.

Borat, FFXII and a lack of skills

Well, everywhere I turn I seen to be having FFXII thrown in my face and gues what, ITS KILLING ME!!! I'll be lucky if I can actually get it by this coming wednesday but so far I'm not so sure. My best friend has it and is playing it and I refuse to let her tell me anything about the game (i actually hung up on her when she started to mention it) and I don't want to know anything until I can blissfully play the game nonstop like I want to. That'd be nice. I can't wait...the graphics, Ivarice (i played FF Tactics).......I just can't wait.

But I know I'm not going to have that blissful time for a while at least. For the next week I'm going to be dedicating all my time to this Holocaust play I'm acting in at my school. I'm African American so its kind of funny cause I don't think you would have ever seen any black person in that situation in the past but actors are actors (and I'd like to think that I'm a good one). So I get to go and help construct the set today but then I get to go to see Borat!!! I've wanted to see that movie for a while now and my best friend got her mom to take us. We're going to watch the movie, go to this amazing mexican food restaurant and have an all around good time.

And finally, my lack of skills. Its probably the most saddest thing I'll ever have to admit but for the life of me I can't figure out how to put up a banner. I can change avatars and stuff and use the codes but I cannot figure out how to use it!!! I don't really stress about it because its not that important but I just checkd the vending machine in the ARLU and I was given a new banner. The first thing I thought was: it'd be really useful if I could actually use it. But this whole banner thing is really sad and a blow to my self esteem because i'm pretty sure it is as simple as I think it is, I'm just too incompetent. SO I think I'll end this post and go check out this new anime I'm watching called Technolyze (by the creators of lain, really good!)

my last post got cut off!!

Lol. Not that it really matters. Well the school year has started which sucks. I'm now playing Tales of Phantasia (should update my now playing list...) Whichis awesome. I'm hoping to eventually get all of the Tales games ecause I love that series WAY too much. Otherwise I'm too swamped with schoolwork to get much else done. But, alas,  I need my video games to sustain so they never really get a rest. Poor. poor, games.

Also I'm reading The Sword By Deborah Chester. If people aren't into the fantasy genre, I recommend it.
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