i've been playing thru Some Assassin Creed, and it's ok so far, but it's such a slow begginning that i had to eventually just put it down....i swear if i had to sit thru one more lengthy unskipable conversation i was gonna shoot my foot.....
this was not the game i expected....it's much lamer....it could of been so much better....
i run thru a crowd of people, and wouldn't ya know? i bump into someone and i suppose that makes me an assassin.... of course i am one, but come on!
and heres a great tip: don't ever bite off more than you can chew in this game....you will get destroyed.... i ran into what was appearently a muslim solider barrack and assassinated some joe and set off the entire place in a firery panic....
the beggining is kinda weird too...they expect me to sit here and just accept the fact that i'm actually an escaped assassin from a place called "the farm", kidnapped by some "memory-bandits" looking for treasure that was hidden in my very ,very distant past....and in order to get the treasure, i have to go around killing people in my head because my captors told me to.... wtf ubisoft....i love sci-fi and all....but come on....lame...
i guess they must think that since i'm swallowing pills like bio-engineered super soliders and mute M.I.T graduate Scientists, that i'd have no problem with this..... i suppose it's not terrible, and most of my quarl is not with the plot but rather the game mechanics, but eh.....it was enough to make it worth mentioning....
so far my biggest issue is getting around at a pace i'm comfortable with....without getting exposed as an assassin...... and actualy killing people....it takes forever to kill one guy and when you do, he screams for help and then all his little guard buddies come in and hand me my butt on a silver platter..... the only way to bypass this lenghty battle is to assassinate the guy....and for being a game about assassin's, theres not much assassinating going on......or at least stealthy assassinations...
idk...i guess i'm just having problems getting started.....
it's too early for me to completely pass judgement on this game but so far it seems like a game that has it's quarks, but in the long run will be worth my time getting past.....