The Elder Scrolls V Skrim:
( Extended Preview)
Facts/info about TES V Skyrim
(All of the info I will share in this section is fact. No fake or false. Just facts.)
Elder scrolls V: Skyrim takes place over 200 years after the previous game. With all the Aires to the emperor dead, Tamriel became broken. During the 200 years, the elves became the new rulers. You come in when Skyrim is screaming for civil war, a war between the Nords, and a Legondary Dragon apears.
Skyrim is north of Cyrodiil. Skyrim is confirmed to have a diverse country. Green lands, mountains, thick forests, glaciers and much more. It is sure to be a rich landscape with many locations and secrets. As well as the epic looking areas it is said that the main cities are going to be a lot bigger. Which means lots of shops and guilds. The Castles are also told to be very big.
The population is said to be huge too. Containing over 10 different races and enemies like wolves, dragons, giants, trolls and even giant spiders. With massive battles and Absolutely huge dragons, it will be impossible to be boring.
Your character. Being the last dragon born, AKA " A Dragon Hunter " you are destined to be a bad a$$. And in the game, there is multiple dragons. whether you can be one of multiple races is never told, but im pretty certain that
As you can see, the protagonist you play is wearing the helmet in the trailer. lookin at a dragon in a epic landscape. With this real gameplay screen shot you can tell the diffrence between 2002-2006's Oblivion and 2008-2011's Skyrim. It has a new engine and has very detailed graphics that will push your system to the limit. Aswell as the newly improved graphics, the third person view has also greatlly improved.
Yes, they got this idea from bioshock 2 actually. As you can see, you are attacking a werewolf by casting a fire spell in one hand, and holding a sword in the other. And yes, your sword will get bloody. oh yes...
A Location in Skyrim
its a beutiful screen shot with some old abandoned buildings with some huge waterfalls
almost forgot about the skeliton army...
"Ice wraiths are these crystailine, serpentine beings that form out of the winds." Todd Howard explains. "They're terrifying."
You cant really see it but try to imagine a clear sharp levitating snake. who makes up this stuff! Also, look at the armor you can get!!!
Leveling up
"Since people are asking, wanted to briefly touch on level scaling. All our games have had some amount of randomness/leveling based on player level. Skyrim's is similar to Fallout 3's, not Oblivion's."
It is my understanding that the game will have a easyier level up. Also i think that insted of leveling up your skills like in oblivion, you gain more expirence through killing things. Cap to level 50 and will have perks!!! if you have to rest in order to level up is another story.
A part of Gameinformer
This ends my preview. but it will continue tommarow! Hope you liked the scoop on this soon to be Amazing game.
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