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good christmas, good games.

Christmas is over but the presents arnt. heres the games i got for christmas.

Burnout Paradise, CoD4 my hunch was right (big bro's presient to me) & Condemed 2.

and my little bro got lego indeana jones, and lego batman.... Im In Hell!!!!!

He's hoging xbox and in my opinion lego games anrnt that fun anymore. and well i got alot of microsoft points and just got uno.. suprisinly fun and mabye i'll get Zuma too.

im still waiting till mithic maps are out i'll bye um the day there out! Ian is also helping me buy fallout 3 because he loves it too. the rental of fallout 3 is done. sad..:cry: first im gonna play my other games before getting new ones you know.

tell me what you got for christmas too please. bye!