Wow... just wow. i couldn't be happier with Bethesda right now. Skyrim not only filled my expectations, it went far beyond what i could even conceive to be possible. My character NuFuri, is level 36 and right now and i am loving every second of the game. this game is not only bigger than any previous Bethesda title, it's so compact and dense with quests, items and many other satisfying aspects. This game has so many things too it, I find something amazing about the game every hour. The spoilers are too much for you who are still playing the game but let me just say you will see and hear about previous characters from not only Oblivion, but from its DLC as well. Well, that's all the time I have to talk, I best be back to Whiterun. I just bought a house and now I need to refurbish the place. Good hunting everyone!
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