Ok you all know about the Gamerchix club thing online for 360. IT IS SO F#CKING SEXTIST, they are saying there perfect, and all men trashtalk each other, and a picture of the we can do it pic but for gamer girls, sorry but seince when have men been sextist to girls with games and did we make a club no! we dont have a Gamerguyz club. this just Screams hate in a non hate needed place. might as well give shirts that say men are stupid and mean whial we are brilliant and absoulutly not ever mean. B.S!! sorry. i hate racism, sexism and any other prejudice. i got the legendary maps for halo, its good. No one is evey online anymore, and im getting lonely. ok for the swords and monsters game for community thing online is so stupid, you would absolutly have to be a idiot to get this game. not all guys online are a$$holes this s#it is giving guys a bad name.