im getting holiday everything thrown at me, songs, candy, presents, merryness, and of corse snow.. it is making me annoyed even as we speak im lisening to crappy holiday music in the background... anyway im done with school for the year. (new year joke.) and ready to get fat and jolly or just fat. im broke for spending my $$$ on my bros and im still happy were getting free game rentals monthly. i think my big bro got me CoD4 and little bro got me microsoft points but you never know.
my little bro is now addicted to my fallout 3 rental and he is pretty bad at RPGs. he dosent know jack about controls what happens and what points to get but im just being a nerdy jerk about fallout.. im now trying not to get bored by making this blog. so yeah, i hope tommarow will be a day full of fallout and food. bye leave comments they are much appriciated and help my boredum..