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Mega Man X

Best Robot Master: Sting Chameleon
Worst Robot Master: Flame Mammoth
Best Moment: Looting Zero's body. I'm rolling need on the arm cannon!

Due to my impoverished state as a college student, I often have to resort to replaying older games or diving into the bargain bin at the video game store to get my fix. I recently bought Mega Man X Collection for my boyfriend, but since I stole his PS2 to play Xenogears (which, by the way, to me FOREVER to find), I went ahead I "borrowed" Mega Man, too.I saw this as an opportunity to redeem myself, since I could NEVER beat these games as a child. I only recently started playing Mega Man again, beating both MM 9 and the original within the past year.

Playing MM X was definitely a walk down memory lane, though the game was nowhere near as hard as I remember. None of the robot masters posed a significant challenge, save Armored Armadillo, whose name sounds like it was thought up by a 7-year-old. Only the final boss, Sigma, forced me to fill up by subtanks, and then I only needed to use two of 'em. Even the levels, which are usually where the real challenge lies, could have been a little harder.

What the hell is a Mandrill?

Despite the moderately easy level of difficulty, I thought MM X did a few things right. The majority of the special weapons were useful. However, I thought it was stupid that you couldn't charge them until the end of the freakin' game. Makes me wish Zero would died sooner so Mega Man could've jacked that arm cannon of hisbeforefighting all the robot masters. I also liked how Flame Mammoth's and Spark Mandrill's level would change after certain events. It really adds some replay value to the game.

Anyway MM X2 is next on my list. See y'all laterz!