I declare bullshit... A 680 will easily run this game along side an i7. Titans and 690's have no purpose for gaming at this point in time (the Titan isn't even designed to be a 'gaming' card). Even Crysis 3 will run perfectly on one 680.
WOwowowowowo WOW... This guy is absolutly terrible at playing this game! He had no idea what he was doing! Sticks to cover the whole time, hardly moves, and has no idea how to use the boost/ 'bullet time' mechanic.
Go back to playing GOW, ya' moron. Cause that's all you appreciate in a 3rd person shooter apparently. Ass hat.
Kevin! You're killin' me smalls! If you love the game as much as me, and appreciate it for how awesome and innovative it really is... Then do us all a favor and pick up the controller next time. Please!
'Star Wars: Republic Commando' was a fantastic game. I was really hoping they would make a sequel, and let me rescue my fellow commandos who were captured at the end of the first game. Talk about a cliffhanger ending, haha.
@sg_hobbes EXACTLY! The last two games were fun and pretty functional. I actually really enjoyed the first one due to the great armor sets you could wear, ever changing combat zones, and an interesting story with some pretty bad ass protangonists and that one bad guy who just wouldn't die (forget his name). But it was great having him in the bad guy seat.
This game really does have bland characters (who don't even look like they are an 'Army of Two'... Where's the full-body armor!) and generic shooting. It's really too bad... Because i was very excited that EA was bringing Frostbite 2 into the series. What a waste.
@hector530 EXACTY! You don't even need a 680 to run max settings. It's still a gorgeous game and I'm extremely happy i purchased the PC version, but still this article is a little ridiculous. 690's and Titan cards are a bragging-right purchase ONLY. Waste of money in my opinion.
Evan-0-Matic's comments