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Evangelion200 Blog

The new RPG

I really wish companies and game sites would stop labeling games that are not RPG's as RPG's. Every new "RPG" on the market is seemingly trying to be the next Oblivion, and though it is good, I really dont think of it as your classic RPG. Finally, the 360 gave us Eternal Sonata and Blue Dragon, and both have Enchanted Arms, but that is really it for them. I know I will go out and buy Mass Effect, and I will probably like it. But it is not an RPG. At best its an Action/Adventure game, and you may even stretch it to first person shooter. Just cause it has magic and the game takes a long time to beat, it is not an RPG. Oblivion is not an RPG nor is Dark Kindgom which I was fooled into buying. I am a little worried that the classic RPG's may be dying down and be replace by the action/adventure games that seem to be flooding the market these days. I hope that is not the case, and that we will continue to see some Grandia's and SMT games. Even Final Fantasy sometimes scares me as I see them wanting to change their format a bit too much. I know they are popular games, and heck, even I like them. I just hope there will always be a place for the old school style of turn based, story driven games.

Another Bad Ending

Can anyone recommend an RPG that has a really good ending? I am getting tired of putting in 50+ hours into a game, really getting into the story, only to have the ending be a short, 10 second blurb. You get so into the characters and their situations and nothing is ever resolved. The older games seemed to do it better. Final Fantasy 8 and 9 had nice closure. They developed the "love story" between the characters and then had a nice ending to finish it off. With the new games, you get the credits and some still frames that leave you guessing. Just wish they would put SOME of the effort they use to develop the story, and put it into a satisfying ending.

300 the Movie

I can't believe all the low ratings I have been seeing for this movie! I know it's never going to be "Oscar" material stuff...but I havent seen a movie that entertaining in a long time. It was great to finally see something different. That was more like a video game played on a large screen. I thought the cinematics and action sequences were amazing. They even did a fairly good job of developing the charecters and making you care about them. It seems when these movies get reviewed everyone is looking for the emotional or meaningful film or else they dont seem to give it a fair rating. Take this movie for what it is and it is one of the best movies I have seen.

Life in General

When i look at other blog postings, i see a lot of complaining about school and other things of that nature. Dont get me wrong, high school wasnt that sweet, but college was great. You wont get much better than that. For all you guys who are sick of the school life, it aint great when its all done. I have way less free time, i make a fairly good amount of money yet i dont have any to spend because my bills have multiplied more than my check. I find myself unable to buy the things i want, instead i am forced to buy things i NEED and i hate doing that. I will soon be getting promoted and making more money, but whats next...buying my own house. Thats more money to spend. Oh, and a tip to you guys getting outa high school, dont fall for the old line that student loans are easy to pay back. I owe close to 400 a month for the first two years, and then it keeps goin up after that.


Is it just me, or do all video game companies like to dangle their new systems and their big name games over our heads for months. You never really know when FF12 will really come out, and the PS3, for all we know we could be waiting till christmas time. The worst part is though, when it finally does come out, they wont have enough of them to fill even a third of the orders. I understand these are complex machines, but arent these what production factories are for. What...can microsoft only crank out two or three X-box 360's a day, are they hand crafted by a master crafstman. I know they want to do this to build the hype up around a system, but it seems kinda weak to me!! I go back to when there was a shortage of memory cards for the PS2, how hard can those be to make. It took me forever to find one on ebay that wasnt going for an outrageous price.

grandia..bust again

Why cant this series come out with another solid game. I am a huge fan of grandia 2 and i just wish these guys could get it right again. Grandia Xtreme had such a horrible story and a terrible cast of characters, i couldnt even force myself to finish the entire game, which i wasted 50 hours on. And now that i finished 3, i must say they got it wrong again. They seem to just rely on a great battle system and then wrap that up in a crappy story with annoying characters. Why wont they just do what they did in Grandia 2???