Danny boy! Do not stop doing "The Point!" Much better than Mt. Stupid. Everytime I see an episode of "The Point," I feel more intelligent. You craft a wonderful and poignant debate about every single topic you broach. Thank you and keep up the excellent work!
I'm going to start by saying that I fully and whole heartedly believe in equality of the sexes. I truly do.
If you look at how games portray women, it most certainly is idealistic however, if you look at how men have been portrayed, it has also been very idealistic. Portayals of men in video games have six packs and well defined muscles. I do not think that the portrayal of women in video games influences how men behave towards or treat women in general. If that were true, then why does the United States of America lead the rest of the world in terms of equal rights? And why does the United States lead the world in obesity? If video games truly influenced the behavior of society, then everyone would have a washboard stomach, slap women around, and shoot anything that moved. That is most certainly NOT the case. I'm not trying to downplay the actual portrayl of women in media, but for any true perspective, you must look at the genre as a whole. Every game character is idealized. The majority of gamers do not believe or follow this idealogy though.
If I have offended anyone, I'm sorry. This is merely an observation based on the current shape of our society.
Last time I checked, judaism is not just a religion, but a race of people (hebrews) who have been persecuted for over two thousand years. And it's comments like your @DrKill09 that continue to make the world the way it is. Racism is not just about race, it IS about discrimation based on race and/or religion. I can understand your frustation with LucasArts and their management style, but to call out a whole race/religion is not just ignorant, but morally reprehensible. For the sake of civility, please keep such anit-semitic comments away. Thank you.
EvilDante666's comments