Yea all you need is Red Kawa a program read it well and Download File Server and there you wont have any problems, i tranfer everything like that and its simple u dont need those slots all u need is those programs a computer/Wireless router/ and PS3 and you gotta follow instructions good other then that its simple no restirctions on size and its pretty fast actually
Yea what i meant was like when u move it, it makes a sound now and before my controllers were perfect with no nothing, now they make an annoying sound i want to know if i should lube it or if anyone had this issue because its annoying
Yea dude the sad thing is you gotta evolve you cant be crying over taggers its common, u dont like it you tag em back what makes you more of a noob to have 100 loses because u refuse to do it, and i'd rather win by any means necessary then lose because i dont want to tag, and i dont tag a lot but if i my team is down by 100 points or something u gotta step it up so you might as well do anything to win
Ok Check this out i got a 2 Sixaxis Controllers, and for some reason they sqeak all the time, both the right analog stick keeps making that sound, and its kinda annoying anyone know how to fix that problem or a solution to it, because i've been asking people and everyone seems to be immature about the problem just thought u guys could help me out anythings hope to get some answers
You only see blood when u shoot them on the head, but yea they do happen to have a group of dead bodies on the floor that might turn your parents off to it, but you are right its freakin cool
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