I have finally received my two new games to occupy my "spare" time with – LA NOIRE and Portal 2. Not that I have much of a spare time, but still. I started off with LA NOIRE and my first impressions were that the game looks groundbreaking. Not so much graphics wise in general, but the facial expressions, character movements and such are outstanding and never-before-seen. I will leave the rest for my upcoming review once I am done with the game.
Another interesting piece of news around me this week is the fact that I finally signed up for a Steam account. I don't have a gaming PC (just a laptop I use for work and such) but wanted to see what Steam was all about. Care to say, all of this was prompted by my excitement over Half-Life 2 (which I completed again not too long ago), so I kind of wanted to see what else Valve has to offer. Steam is a pretty cool client. Don't know if I will ever use it (not much of a PC gamer these days).
My IT certification exam preparation has been slow these past 3 days. I have less than a month until my exam, so from this weekend on, I will be busy and I do mean BUSY.
This past week I also tried a couple of demos – Dungeon Siege 3 and Red Faction Armageddon. I was a big fan of DS 1 but the third one plays like an arcade game – so streamlined that I could not complete the demo. Red Faction was an OK game, based on the demo, but I don't think I will be buying it. With the ton of great games coming out later in the year, I think I will skip that one.
One more thing to say before I complete this blog – update. Lately we have seen three games that have come out , which support offline co-op gameplay (as far as I know, correct me if I am wrong) – Fear 3, Dungeon Siege 3 and Hunted: DF. I think I will be picking up those at some point because I am a huge fan of "couch co-op" games.
Well, this is it for now.
Until next time,