I was just thinking about it and this is what i thought, and i posted this in the system wars forum and people agreed with me
A brand new 40GB PS3 costs $400. That includes everything you need, a harddrive, the ability to use wireless internet, EVERYTHING. A brand new Xbox360 pro costs $350, which does not include the ability to use wirless internet, and only a 20GB harddrive. So, to match what the ps3 has, you would need to buy a 360 wireless internet adapter, which is now $100 so now you are paying $450. So you are already paying more than you would be paying for a PS3, but that is not all. To match the Harddrive, you would need to buy a 20GB 360 hardrive, which is $60. So, that is $510. To play online you need Xbox live which is $50 a year, so in a couple of years you will be paying alot more than a PS3. PS3's are made fairly well, they do not usually break down, but 360's break down ALOT, so why wouldnt you buy a PS3 if they are not known to break, and they have free online and once you buy the console, you have eveything you need to play? The two consoles mostly have the same games, with a few exclusives for both of them. Not to mention the ps3 can play blu ray movies and its games are in the blu ray format, while the 360 is using DVD's.
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