@Megavideogamer 007 nightfire was amazing, they had MK 4, those are good ones i just remember because when i was a kid i used to play them with my cousins a lot, i think robots was eurocom too, it wasnt bad, atleast i didnt think so as a kid
@enrique_marrodz even if you don't like DC characters, it will be nice to play because it really does seem that after making MK9 they removed the bad stuff and added new things, so if u dont look at the characters, it's like an upgraded MK9
@Gelugon_baat you're right, it's based on personal opinion @Graphixx , let's say u hate hate hate stealth games, and played Assasin's creed, would u give it a good score. and aside from that, gamespot also takes into account what the game could have been. and if a guy really loves stealth games, he would give the game a better score.
@DITHRICH http://chzvideogames.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/video-game-memes-the-scores-are-so-high.gif u got tht right, the pic shows this in a perfect way :P
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