I started playing Killing Floor on Friday night and just could...not....quit. I probably logged over 20 hours and was having a good time doing it.
I am now over 50% done with the Killing Floor Steam achievements, popped both medic and sharpshooter perks to level 4, and advanced several other perks too.
I realized that I was starting to get foggy on how Brother's in Arms worked, so I finished out the weekend by knocking out a chapter in it. The checkpoint save system in that game is a real annoyance, especially when I had a chapter bug-out right at the end. I am close to having finished the story line and, because it has no online play, I will probably be ready to retire it.
I have reclaimed a lot of my proficiency with FPSes in general and I am really ready for Bad Company 2 to arrive. Too bad Steam STILL does not have a preload available.