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Turn Out the Lights...

The party is over...

I have finished up Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway. It was equal parts gaming awesomeness and frustration. I really enjoyed the squad-based missions, but was annoyed that at the number of restarts each mission could have while you learned the right path and tact to take against the AI. It had a some fun moments, but the mainstory was a bit a of a whine-fest. I would give it an 7.5 or so - worth doing, but do it at a bargin price.

I am also nearing the end of the line with a game I really love, Just Cause 2. I have passed 50% completion and that is plenty good enough for me. I have a few achievements that I want to earn and then I will put this one out to pasture and hope for some good DLC.

Battle Field Bad Company 2 is nearing the end of it's heavy play phase. I have over 120 hours logged and have really enjoyed it, but I have plenty of other games to play and have gotten a good value from BFBC2 if I never play it again. As it stands, I suspect that I will play it off and on while waiting for Battle Field 3.

I just installed Red Faction: Guerrilla and have about an hour in it. I am not liking the gun play(I feel like I am missing something in the controls department) but there are enough cool ways to kill the bad guys that it looks like fun. The vehicle controls are ugly, but destroying stuff feels pretty good.