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Evolution_666 Blog

What's that smell...

Since I haven't been on this site for a while, I might as well tell an interesting/boring/digusting story for old times sake.:P

This is completely based on a true story.:(

A few months ago I was just laying in bed being lazy as usual. I get up and go outside to get the newspaper, and all of a sudden I smell this inhumane odor coming from somewhere. I then look in the bathroom and checked the toilet and everything looks ok, so then I check my other bathroom (I'm a grown man I have my own house. :P) and my bathtub is completely filled with some kind of brown muddy looking water. :? I'm just standing there completely perplexed by this mysterious looking water, I then grab a plunger so that I can attempt to make the muddy water go down the drain, that doesn't work. And then I decide to try something that only my brain can think of, I flush the toilet in order to see if anything else is clogged, and of course the toilet was also clogged too, so now I got brown water all in my bathtub, and clean water everywhere else in my bathroom.:cry: At this point I'm just drying off the floor and hoping the clogs are only temporary. I finally get the floor dry which makes me happy, but then I hear the sound of running water coming from below my house. I go look under the house and see that one my main pipes is leaking everywhere. Now I have a new problem because I have important stuff down there. I then decide to cut the water off all together because that "should" solve everything, once I cut the off water I check under the house again and the water is still running. :(

I called some of my friends who are better than me at stuff like that. We then proceed to dig up my front yard where the pipes are and then it becomes apparent that the sewer is backed up. That is when I come to the realization of what that brown water in my bathtub is.:shock: I call the local LG&W company and they tell me it's out of their hands, because they don't work sewers. But by this point the water has started to receed, so I just stop worrying about it and eventually everything is working normally. I go to sleep and wake up the next day, and the bathtub is filled again with that brown water.:x I finally remember that I have a brain and a telephone I called the sewer company and they fixed everything. The next day the whole street that I live on is having the same problems, and I just said to myself "better them than me."


What does dat button do?

There have been alot of changes in my life the last couple of days:D. I brought my first house:D, but I don't have a internet connection yet.:evil: which is why I haven't been here in a week.:( Once I get my internet connection i'll be back, but until then see ya.:D

:oops: I also met another good looking woman:D, I'll show you her pictures when I get back.:P

2+2=5 it really does:P

Am I the only person who is having trouble posting, I can't post anything unless I quote someone or send it from Gamespot. I had to make this blog on Gamespot.:x

The Ultimate WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!! Moment

Usually my Wtf moments involve pictures, but this time involves it facts, speculations and concern.:P

Two weeks ago my cousin has a baby, and during the child birth their are some complications, that leave her paralyzed. My sister calls my father to tell him the bad news, so he then calls the rest of the family to tell them. Everyone is upset they are making plans to go the hospital, and to check on her, but their is one small problem most that stuff didn't actually happen:P.

My cousin did have a baby and they are both doing fine, and their were no complications.:D My dad is happy that everything turned out great:D, but kinda upset, that he was the one who relayed all that bad information.:evil:

So I guess the moral to this blog is, information is only as good as the person, you are getting it form.

In case you wondering that actually happened:P.

WTF Moment #1 I could pull this off. I look good with any type of hairdo.:D

WTF Moment #2 and the band never stopped playing:lol::lol: Thats what I call professional.:P

I had 3 moments but I think I erased it.:P

Theme Song: Alice In Chains "Would"

7 Days Part 2

This week was kind of plain, but a few things did happen.

Sunday: I was really because I get paid this week.:D(so far so good)

Monday: I start having car trouble :evil: (my good week lasted 1 day:P)

Tuesday: I let my brother work on my car.:D (he really is that big:P)

Wednesday: I called and we decided to go out on friday.(yay! I have a date:D)

Thursday: I had enough money to buy me a new outfit .8)(I really do look like, Prince:))

Friday: I had my date with and it is true what they say, it's whats on the inside that matters:(. It's just too bad when we went inside her apartment, her ex/current boyfriend was there.:((he looked like a wrestler:lol:)

Saturday: I just watched football all day:D.

Wtf moment #1 i'm not sure what exactly is going on.:?

Wtf moment #2 enough said.:lol:

Theme song: Avenged Sevenfold" Bat Country"

Random Fact: I can recently learned that, I can actually decide what I want dream about.:D It's just too bad I did not know that until, I dreamed about [spoiler] (I did not sleep for 2 days after that:cry:) [/spoiler]

My 10 Favorite RPG Characters

My top 10

1. Jack Russell - Radiata Stories

2. Overlord Zetta - Makai Kingdom

3. Laharl - Disgaea

4. Cloud Strife - FF7

5. Sephiroth - FF7

6. Serge - Chrono Cross

7. Etna - Disgaea

8. Ramza - FFT

9. Sydney - Vagrant Story

10. Ryu - Breath of Fire

College Football Season!! Plus New Everything

College Football season starts today.For those of you who don't know, this is my favorite time of the year, but that also means that, I will spend even less time on this site.I will probably no longer be online, Thursday's at night, and all day on Saturday's, but the rest of the week, I will be here as much as I always have.:D

Theme Song: Flyleaf "Sorrow"

For those of you interested in adding a new friend:

WTF!!! Moment #1 :o:(:cry:

WTF!!! Moment #2 :lol:

Random "Factuality": So far in all of my blogs, I have changed my race/gender/species. I will now show you what I really am.:oops::oops: [spoiler] :P [/spoiler]

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