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Ex-DarkBlade Blog

No more unions?

Hi guys, I haven't posted here for awhile but I'm back for a short while so I can disappear again. Jokes aside, what happened to the Unions? All I get when I click on the link to the unions is "Oops". Is it just my computer or it's GlitchSpot strikes again? Anyway, I hope you all enjoying your day.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you guys have a great time with your family and friends. I love this holiday because it gives me the chance tell my family how great they are(And I do this by playing video games.). Anyway, I missed a lot of stuff happening at Gamespot while I was busy with college, can anyone fill me up on what I have missed. Sorry for a short blog but I'll make a bigger blog next time.

My first anniversary on Gamespot.

It's been a year since I first joinned Gamespot and I am glad that I joinned. Gamespot is a great site and has a lot of wonderful feature but the site also has a lot of problems which in the end ruins the experience of using this site. But what really made Gamespot the best experience is becoming friends with blobulus. Many of you guys know that blobulus and me didn't like each other when we first met. We were enemies on day 1 but in day 2 or 3 we were friends. And becoming friends with blobulus led me to become friends with: stayman_jacobi, dsrules13, Camobullo, AvatarMan96, mario-nin-freak, mario_fanatic59 and etc. I will answer any question you guys have about me. I hope you enjoyed your vocation and enjoy your day. :)

Happy Independence Day.

Happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans. We are right now involved in three wars which none of them have a promising outcome and our debt equals to our GDP but at least it's not messed up as Japan's. There is another oil spill and this time it's in Yellowstone. We still haven't moved from oil as our primary energy source. Al Qaeda are still being b*tches by continuing the wrong use of religion to terrorize people and finding ways to make America look bad. We haven't fixed our health care system and no one in the government wants to do anything about expect for couple of Democrats. Oh yeah, guess what. Republicans plan to cut down Medicare and Medicaid completely. So what does this mean? It means that if an old person or a poor person seek medical care, they won't get it unless they have medical insurance. So if a Republican wins, which I doubt because all of the candidates are idiots, the 2012 presidential election, we will be doomed. But the sad part about our country is that we continue to support oppressive governments to keep this country running. We support Saudi Arabia government which forces anti American policies on it's people and the Chinese communist government which is cruel to it's people but if we didn't support these governments, our country will not function. Sorry for the boring blog. Enjoy your day and the fireworks. God bless America.

Answer to why do many Gamespot unions seem to fail.

Why do unions fail? They fail because leaders go after the members that barely come and don't focus on members that come daliy. Unions are meant to be fun, not work. Leaders often do this and unions fall in activity. You guys might disagree but this is what I believe. Anyway I am closing my union and will be active like I was before Febraury soon.

Homefront ****s 2.6 million! WTF! lol

Have you guys seen the Homefront article when it was first posted? Tor Thorson typed Homefront ****(the bad word that starts with s) 2.6 million instead of Homefront ships 2.6 million. It was so funny. He deleted every comment that told of his mistake and blocked them as well.

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