M4ntan your no help at all, so please stop spamming posts to get your post count up and maybe those websites ARE overpriced so yeah please stop sending me innapropriate messages.
Excized's forum posts
I have found some computers.
i want to play minecraft and wow and RPG games, so none of the big games coming out, BUT i will be getting better specs as time goes on
I want one with 3 or more ghz (maybe 2.8 ghz lowest?)
and a dedicated grpahics card thats it so can you find me one?
omg lucky haha
yeah its compatible and i like the i7 your comp will be awesome
5570 looks amazing and yeah same here i foind this randomly thank god!
Which ones better?
6570 ->http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883103361
Radeon 5570 ->http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883227314&Tpk=ibuypower%20925
thanks will check it out
bored of all my games i want a new one
just beat LA Noire it was good
need another game i was thinking theese
Crysis 2
Duke Nukem
Any others?
dude of your not going to help just get off my post..
your a stalker gtfo
Ok im looking for a computer to play games on obviously
not big games like crysis
i just wanna play worldof warcraft and rpg games without any lag
I need one so yeah please post
Switching to PC Gaming for WoW, minecraft and stuff like that
Does anyone have any good computer that they can post?
It must be fast....
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