The last straw has been drawn. If you CNET folks think this anger and disappointment will soon disappear?... you guys are wrong. Your reviews are gonna be worth squat. Jeff basically made the gs what it is today, and letting him go is shooting yourselves in the foot. And I dare say that goes for what they did to gamefaqs, once a nice site, filled only with great content and NO ads, that is now full to the nuts with them. CNET is ruining the internet. I recommend everyone to stay away from it. And if by Monday cnet has not given me an explanation of why this is happening, I will fight the system, and spam every ounce of cnet territory I can find, just like I did with the Eidos forums.
ExilRock Blog
Wow gamestop, wow.
by ExilRock on Comments
Yesterday I checked my phone inbox, it had this crazy message from the guy who does the voice of mario. Basically thanking me for preordering Galaxy. My mom freaked out, thinking it was some sort of stalker, but I told her it was ok.
So, gamestop. You want me to preorder more games from you? I want a call like that from Lara Croft (for preordeing TR: Anniversary), a call from Wesker or Jill (for pre-ordering Umbrella chronicles) and a call from any character form brawl (maybe snake). That should be great.
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