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@deviltaz35: Same. They lied about cross-gen games with that whole "we believe in generations" speech, and they lied about their games being exclusive when 80% of their catalogue is going to PC/Xbox....
About a third of the user scores on metacritic have this as a crap game. It seems like reviewers were too scared to give it an honest review because they were afraid of backlash.
@scott_willy: He must be a trump supporter judging by his comment...so "mentally 12" would be about right. But yeah, people love to spread hate the moment something becomes popular. Too bad for them...
"Yawn of the Dead"That's a good one. It fits the repetitive and boring nature of this game quite well. The developers didn't even ATTEMPT at doing anything unique with this game. They just rehashe...
That $6.99 a month price won't last too long. Once they feel they have enough people hooked in (probably after a year), expect it to jump dramatically.
I knew this was going to happen when Apex came out. Considering EA is involved, I wonder if the next thing we hear about Titanfall 3 is that it's cancelled.
@brocklee5000: Other reviews are coming out and saying the same thing about this game. You should save some of those personal attacks for everyone else you will need to defend this game to.
The sony fanboys are out in full force today LOL. Nothing will stop this game from being crap. If you didn't see the writing on the wall in the gameplay videos, then you are just as foolish as the p...
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