I know you all have seen my Top 5 lists and noticed there is not much to them. Well that is for a reason, later on when I have more time I will go through everyone and explain them more. I have just been super busy at work and with my wife. Not to mention having writers block.
ExpiredGhost Blog
I love me some First Person Shooters !
by ExpiredGhost on Comments
For a while I was not the biggest fan of the first person shooter genre until I discovered Golden Eye for the N64. After playing that the game opened my eyes to FPSs. Now just about every game I own is a first person shooter, with my current favorite being Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.
My Top 5 Fast Food Places
by ExpiredGhost on Comments
1. Taco Bell
2. Wendy's
3. Burger King
4.Jack in the Box
5. McDonalds
The weather is heating up and I am hating it !
by ExpiredGhost on Comments
I enjoy the cold freezing weather. I was enjoying myself for over a week when the weather where I live decided to go into the lower teens and 20s with the highs being in the mid 30s to the low 40s.I miss it ! Now the low is around 44 with the high being 62. Does anyone else enjoy cool weather like I do ?
My Top 5 Favorite Soft Drinks
by ExpiredGhost on Comments
I have arranged the following the soft drinks in the order of flavors that I like the best.
1. Dr. Pepper
2. Mountain Dew
3. Coca-Cola
4. Root Beer
5. Sprite
20 messages per hour error message
by ExpiredGhost on Comments
Will I ever be able to post more than 20 posts an hour? If so at what level can I make more posts than just 20 an hour. I love to post but this could be a bad thing if I am in a middle of a debate and I can not post a reply to the last message that was directed at me.
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