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My completed games (2009 edition)

These are the games that i have finished in the year 2009:

1- Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)

2- Little Big Planet (PS3)

3- Far Cry 2 (PS3)

4- Wanted: Weapons of Fate (PC)

5- Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix (GBA) (second time)

6- Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure (GBA)

7- Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (PC) (in under 4 hours)

8- Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box (PC)

9- inFamous (PS3)

10- Prototype (PC)

11- Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (PC) (6 hours)

12- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3) (9 hours)

13- Mini Ninjas (PC)

14- Tekken Advance (GBA)

15- Street Fighter (PC)

My completed games (2008 edition)

these are the games that I have beaten last year :

  • Heavenly Sword (PS3)
  • Assassin's Creed (PS3)
  • Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (PS3)
  • CSI : New York (PC)
  • Lost : via domus (PC)
  • Command and Conquer : Red Alert 3 (PC) I've beaten this game two times.
  • Command and Conquer : Kane's wrath (PC)
  • Command and Conquer : Tiberium Wars (PC)
  • Bully : Scholar ship edition (PC)
  • Asterix at the Olympic games (PC)

other games that I have played :

  • Motor Storm (PS3)
  • FIFA 09 (PS3) (PC)
  • NBA 2K9 (PC)
  • NHL 09 (PC)
  • UEFA EURO 2008 (PC)
  • Need for Speed : Under Cover (PC)
  • Kung Fu Panda (PC)
  • Iron Man (PC)
  • City Life 2008 edition (PC)

Little Big Planet...

I only hear good about this game and it seems to me that everyone has it like it. I read review on GameSpot and I have to say that it looks cool and fantastic. but I'm not sure about getting it so I'm wondering if someone here in GameSpot can give me his opinion about this game and should I get it or not. and does it have a replay value or not ? what about the online play ?


Focus on Syria 2

The Great Omayyad Mosque:

Everyone knows Syria knows the Great Omayyad Mosque of Damascus, it is the most notable monumental work of architecture in Damascus - if not in all Syria. The buildings served as a gathering point for believers and helped to consolidate the rule of the surrounding territories under the Omayyad Caliphate.

The history of the mosque dates back to the 2nd millennium BCE. At this time it was a temple to Hadad The Aramaean god of rain and fertility and his consort Atargatis. These gods came in time to be identified with the Roman gods Jupiter and Venus and under Roman patronage the temple was expanded in the 1st century CE and then further embellished under the reign of Septimus Severus (193-211 CE) becoming known in the process as the temple of Jupiter. With the adoption of Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire the Temple of Jupiter was converted into a Christian church. Under the Omayyad Caliphate and through an agreement with th Christian leaders the church was converted into a mosque.

The northern part of the rectangular mosque is an expensive open courtyard with a beautiful white marble floor surrounded by a two-storey arcade on three sides. The fourth side is the facade of the prayer hall with the blaze of golden mosaics at its centre. In the centre of the courtyard is an odd square-shape fountain. The small octagonal mosaic structure on the western side is the dome of the Treasury.

The mosque has three minarets dated from the original construction but renovated later by Ayyubids Mamluks and Ottomans.

On the southern side of the courtyard is the rectangular prayer hall. At the centre of the hall the Dome of Eagle rests on four pillars.

Over the centuries the buildings has survived invasions sacking earthquakes and fires although with each calamity it has undergone transformations of one sort or another. The most devastating and most recent one came in 1893 when a fire largely destroyed the prayer hall. The Ottomans undertook restoration which involves the replacement of the interior columns and central dome although most of the original decoration and beauty were lost in the process. However for all that and perhaps because of the amalgam of different influences and modifications over the centuries the Omayyad mosque stands out today as a unique and exceptionally beautiful monument.

a DNS problem...

every time I try to connect my PS3 to the Internet it tells me ''connection failed this is a DNS problem'' and I don't know what the DNS is and now I can't play games online because of that.

btw my IP address is correct

can anyone help me..??

Focus on Syria 1

Ugarit (known locally as Ras Shamra) is considered to be one of the most important Bronze Age sites in the Middle East. Ugarit was an ancient cosmopolitan port city situated on the Mediterranean coast of northern Syria a few kilometers north of the modem city of Lattakia.
Ugarit became an independent kingdom in the 18th century BCE. The tablets found in the palace archives have revealed its military and economic history. The Canaanites had a golden age there from about 1450 to 1200 BCE when they produced great royal palaces temples and shrines a high priests library and various other libraries on the acropolis with their strong ships built from the cedars they became the greatest naval power of the age and developed many key principles of navigation. They traded textiles ivory weapons and silver with city the cities of the Mediterranean Mesopotamia the Aegean Sea Egypt and Asia Minor. Akkadian was the international language. Around 1200 BCE Ugarit was probably invaded and destroyed by northern tribes sometimes called the Sea Peoples. But other possibilities like a big earthquake a famine or a massive fire have not been ruled out. Its population then was probably less than 10000. Ugarit's location was forgotten until 1928 when a peasant accidentally opened an old tomb while ploughing a field. The discovered area was the Necropolis of Ugarit. Excavations have since revealed an important city that takes its place alongside Ur and Eridu as a cradle of Urban culture with a prehistory reaching back to 6000 BCE. The reason may be that it was both a port and was at the entrance of the inland trade route to the Euphrates and Tigris lands.
Texts and tablets discovered at this site reveal the use of eight languages at that time. Much of the diplomatic correspondence is in Babylonian the trade language of the region. Other texts have been found in Hurrian CrypoMinoan Hittite and Sumerian cuneiform as well as inscriptions in Hittite and Egyptian hieroglyphic.
Scribes in Ugarit appear to have started the Ugaritic alphabet around 1400 BC thirty letters corresponding to sounds were adapted from cuneiform characters and inscribed on clay tablets. A debate exists as to whether the Phoenician or Ugaritic alphabet was used first. While many of the letters little or no formal similarity the standard letters order (preserved in our own language as A, B, C, D, etc.) shows strong similarities between the two suggesting that the Phoenician and Ugaritic systems were not holly independent inventions.
Important artifacts discovered at Ugarit can be seen in the National Museums in Damascus and Aleppo.

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is the only man-made construction that can be seen from space. It is 6000 kilometers long. It runs east to west near China's northern border and has an unusual shape. It looks as if its architects did not have any specific plans. It looks like a snake or a long road. Nobody knows why its shape is like this but legend states that it was built to imitate the movements of a dragon -a popular religious symbol in China.

The section of the wall visited by most tourists is at Badaling Pass near Beijing. Here, the building material is grey granite blocks six meters high. On both sides of its roof there are low wall which protect you from falling off the Wall. In the middle there is a road which is wide enough for five horses running side by side. other sections of the Great Wall are built of various materials often of poor quality for example wood or sand depending on whether the Wall crossed deserts plains or countrysides.

The people who built the Great Wall were often those who could not pay thier taxes prisoners of war and criminals. There were about 1 million slaves working on the Wall. They lived in poor conditions in places called work camps. They worked without clothes during the summer and they wore only animal skins in the winter. They often died of disease and hunger.

People who died were often buried in its foundations making the Wall the 'world's largest cemetery'.

There are still many of the original 25000 towers left. They are about 12 meters high and the distance between two neighbouring towers is over 200 meters. The army usually lived in these towers. In the period of the Wall's glory almost one million men stayed there.

Today the Great Wall is one of China's most popular tourist attraction. Where else in the world can you see something built by man over twenty-two centuries ago...??


with the development of technology it is now difficult to imagine life without computers. They are a source of information, education and entertainment, but today's world of computers can also be quite frightening and dangerous. This is because of people who use computers for illegal purposes. The are called Hackers.

Hackers spend thier time playing with computer data in all parts of cyberspace. Many of thier activities are not dangerous but sometimes they break the law for example, when they break into websites, take control of other people's computers or create viruses. They are especially in breaking through the security of military websites.

Hackers know how to trick people using thier computers. The introduce a ''Trojan Horse'' a programme that looks perfectly safe but actually containes something destructive. If you open it because it looks like a normal e-mail or a game you are in trouble.

Although the punishment can be serious if they get caught most hackers still think that thier activities are a game. They often meet at festivals to take part in discussion, share thier experiences meet other hackers and generally have a good time. These meetings are organised in well-known places like Las Vegas or Berlin. However, what the hackers do at such festivals is a secret and often many of thier activities take place at night.

Recently, hacking has started to increase. Hackers are getting into computer systems and stealing or destroying information. It is certain that there will be a lot more of this high-tech crime in the 21 century...

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