TC, what actually caused this complete save file meltdown was that cheat devices were used on the actual copies of the game have were save along with the progress and Monster Medal counts. This caused the coding in the game cartridge to be permanently altered, thus causing the corrupted save data and glitchy Monster Medal lists.
Personally, I'm very fortunate to have my save data intact.
While that can (and all too often does) happen, it is far, far more likely that your internal battery is failing. Have you ever left the lights on in the car? You try to start, and every once in a while, it surges and seems like it'll start? The internal battery here does the same thing, surging and corrupting your data, which it then (under the new-found strength of the surge) saves. Now, you can't reverse it with an opposite pulse, because the battery can't randomly fire in the perfect opposite way. There is a sticky on one of the Pokemon boards about changing the battery. I hope that all helps you. Let me know if you can't find it; I might know a guy who saved it on hard drive.
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