Kevin V should stick with RPGS and violin playing cause he clearly cant review for shit. This game is a solid 8. Better controls, atmosphere and graphics than RE5 and its not buggy or glitchy in any way. Sounds like this review was made to throw some hate Capcoms way for not making a traditional survival horror game like the original RE games.
@misternathan Just cause people are actually enjoying the game doesnt mean they are fan boys. There are plenty of other reviews of this game ranging from 7-9 scores so their opinions are clearly validated. It seems to me that this reviewer for GS has some kind of axe to grind with capcom.
@firehawkx Yep using a review to try and make a "statement" to Capcom instead of actually reviewing the game for what it is gets us no where as gamers.
This review is a joke. I have played through Leons campaign and I am now into Chris's this game is easily a 7-8 score. The campaigns are very lenghty and co-op is still a blast. The set pieces are huge and the graphics are better the RE5. Its definitely not a 4.5.
They are basically saying this game is worse than Kinect Star Wars which got a 5.0.
@AhvrenStone You do realize that these reviewers get the game well before its release date right? Thats how IGN gave it a review before it came out. I thought that was common knowledge.
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