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#1 F-14Bombcat
Member since 2007 • 413 Posts

[QUOTE="XenoNinja"]Looks quite disgusting to be honest:|mingo123

lol agreed

yeah, I was kind of depresed at how the screenshots came out which bugs me because they do not have those stupid jaggy edges that the compressed shots showed. Gamespot decided to compress the file for some reason :?. Thes were originally took at 1024x768.

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#2 F-14Bombcat
Member since 2007 • 413 Posts
People seem to find two main complaints with PC gaming:

Price (I am about to bust that myth)

Compatibility (Again going to bust it)

PRICE: This is a complete lie because a good system that can exceed even the best graphics on any console can be found for $600 ( which is the price of the PS3 or 360+live and add-ons) I have been playing Crysis for a few days on my $500 rig and these are just a few screenshots that show that the price-to-performance ratio is better on the PC.

(just to give you an idea, pictures can't even capture the look and feel of the game, and you can literally see for miles.)

This is just a few, but you can still see that this game is unparallell to any game so far on any consoles. And mind you, this is on MEDIUM settings. The framerate is silky smooth, the explosions are mind-boggling, and the AI is unmatched. (I will be putting my complete set of pictures and videos on my blog as soon as I reach lvl. 10)

COMPATIBILITY: I have yet to come across a game that I couldn't get to work properly. The only problems I have come across was having to adjust the settings when you first start it up which takes 30sec. tops.

I made this thread so I can show people that just because PC gaming looks intimidating doesn't mean that it is. I have actually had more problems trying to get my consoles working right than I do with my PC. PC has the best graphics, the best controls, amazing replayability with free mods, free online (with x-fire and steam it surpasses X-box live), the price is similar to every other console (and the games are $10 cheaper),you can tweak the system to make it suit your taste, you don't have to keep switching out the CDs everytime you want to play a game, and you can overclock your system to get even better performance!

If you actually read this whole thing then I thank you, and all comments or flaws in my argument you want to bring to the table, then I will gladly listen :).

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#3 F-14Bombcat
Member since 2007 • 413 Posts

Anything from Daft Punk is usually top quality.

My favorite is harder, better, faster, stronger

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#4 F-14Bombcat
Member since 2007 • 413 Posts
I did not know that that was how it was done! Interesting, and thanks for posting.
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#5 F-14Bombcat
Member since 2007 • 413 Posts

Next proof that sometimes politycians says a stupid things and it seems like thay taking drugs or something :Pnormal_man

I wouldn't blame the guy. His job probably isn't the easiest out there.

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#6 F-14Bombcat
Member since 2007 • 413 Posts

I'm not sure if mine is female or alien.....as long as it bothers you I'm good with that8)nohabs

I wasn't going to say anything, but the first time I saw it blinked it scared the **** out of me :shock:.

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#7 F-14Bombcat
Member since 2007 • 413 Posts

[QUOTE="tevwalker13"]Joining the army just seems suicidal, It has its benefits if you actually survive but how likely is that anyways?LJS9502_basic


You may survive, but your life changes horribly. I have quite a few stories that people will find quite terrifiying about the military from people who have experianced it first-hand. Some of the stuff you see haunts you forever, and that is why many soldiers have to get psychological help after there finish serving.

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#8 F-14Bombcat
Member since 2007 • 413 Posts

Why am I thanking them, because this thread is about the military. When you make a thread about police, firefighters etc I'll thank them as well. Your thought that only thanking the military somehow diminishes the others the truly absurd and narrow minded.

Your last sentence showed such a great lack of respect that reflects directly back on your intellect or lack of one.


Okay, why are we we sending troops over there? because of the already deceased saddam, or the so called "bin laden", or to try to stop terrorism that is impossible to stop? I have yet to hear of a good excuse for why we are over there. All we are doing is causing more problems. What gets me mad is that these teenagers still join and support this mess that is going on in the middle-east, and that is what really gets me angry about this issue. If people quit joining the military, then the government would have to redraw, and we can start working on repairing our huge turmoil that is currently America.

PLEASE READ: I thank you all who have joined the military and/or are serving at this moment and I mean no harm by what I have said. I am merely not supporting the attitude we seem to have about the war. So please forgive me if I have insulted you in anyway.

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#9 F-14Bombcat
Member since 2007 • 413 Posts

[QUOTE="darthzew"]You can spew all the bull you want, really, but as soon as I graduate college and the ROTC program I am joing the United States Marines Corps. and I am proud of that fact. There is nothing you could say that would dissuade me from serving my country. God bless America!The-Deer-Hunter

Yeah.. You have fun with that. I knew I was gonna get a couple Mr. Americas in here wooooooo were gonna kick some Iraqi ass, that's such **** Go and kill people that have war as part of their culture. And now you are probably gonna start calling me a pansy and a baby because you are the typical American trousers in here.

Unfortunately that is how us Americans have been raised up. We were born being taught that violence was the only answer and that dieing for your country is the best honor you can ever have. I am really getting sick of this place and once I finish college, I hope to be out of here before we step on anymore country's toes.

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#10 F-14Bombcat
Member since 2007 • 413 Posts

I've dedicated 6 years of my life to the US Marines, seen combat tours in Iraq and humanitarian missions in The Philippines after the tsunami hit. You'll never know how that feels, and you don't deserve to. People like you are always gonna be haters, that's just how it is. By the way, you're welcome.

Oh, and moderated. 8)


This makes a perfect time to thank you and all the service men and woman out there for a fine job. When these numb nuts that oppose the military wake up and smell the roses and realize it was on your backs and all the generations of soldiers before you that they have a good free life, they will humbly thank you as well

Why are you thanking them and not the firefighters, cops, doctors, surgeons, scientists, parents, or volunteers. Being in the military is just like every other job in this world and if you thank them, then you better thank all the other people who help make America a nice place to live. I hate the mentality that just because you served in the military automatically makes you a veteran. If I ever see a firefighter, I always thank them, but when I see a soldier, I see just another business man in a suit.

Give credit where credit is due, and WW2, Vietnam, and Korean veterans deserve to be saluted, but until we win it, I will just think of any soldier I see that is in the army now as someone who was stupid enough to sell their life away to the government and their little chess game.