I hear that. I go through phases,but right now its because I am quitting smoking,tobacco prices just doubled again in Massachusettes. Not just packs but roll your owns. As good a time as any and the seeds help.mattykovaxI know how you feel. I live in Ohio and prices just went up here too a few weeks ago. I used to buy lb bags of gambler tobacco for about 25$, now they are 60+, forget that...so I recently decided to quit smoking as well. I'm just over a week from when I went cold turkey and the only thing keeping me sane is my new found addiction to sunflower seeds. So far, I'm pretty partial to the FritoLay BBQ ones, but I've heard very good things about the David Ranch. I plan to try out a couple different kinds today. I get them with the shell and pop a handful at a time into my mouth. From there, they'll soften up as they are wedged into my left cheek and I'll just keep popping them apart with my molars, eat the seed, and slide the empty shell into my right cheek until they are all gone... then it's time to spit the empty shells and reload that ammunition. Keep 'em poppin' son.
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