This article is mostly right (though I don't agree that all of the villains are that good, except Sephiroth, and I still think FF has had better villains), modern games just aren't churning out the feeling - I remember why I wanted to defeat Neclord (Suikoden 1/2) or Luca Blight (Suikoden 2) - Simply because the game made me believe that they were right gits and I was playing the game to advance the story and take them down. I remember why I wanted to kick the crap out of all of FF8s main villains - because their role in the story was huge and, again, I wanted to see them go down. These days I couldn't care less - most of the villains pop up half way through the game, have very little presence, the story is usually too short for them to actually DO anything - and the story never leaves a "trail of villainy" for you to clue in on before the main characters - and even then usually the bad guy doesn't do anything THAT bad. Take Dragon Age for example - the Darkspawn are there from the start, and I know who their leader is from the start, and I know what I'm working to do at the end, and it pretty much goes smoothly. Its all too obvious!
The PS3 seems to have a lot of blurry textures and jaggy edges, as well as being incredibly dark :S Theres no huge difference between the 360 and the PC it seems, the PC usually wins by a fraction of a fraction though.
If i didnt know the second shots were Halo swear it was still Halo 2 Im afraid. The graphics only look marginally better, very marginally, I hope they put in some far better textures for the actual release. As it seems that the models are alright, but the textures for things need improving no end.
Im no technical expert, so Im gonna ask this anyway. Common sense dictates to me that the 2600 HD will be better than the X1600 which I have now, but would I be right in assuming this? I mean, if it was all in the same range itd be easier to judge, but a new range could mean anything, so, would I benefit from getting this card when it comes out?
some seriosuly annoying things huh....hmmmm....irresponsive controls are usually annoying, people who shoot you n youre like "what the hell, how did they do that?!" but I guess thats just a fact of online gaming.
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