Yeah, I tried it, and I was able to beat a Long Gui, but I had to use an elixir. So I settled for the achievment and didn't save. Since there are only four possible elixirs in the game, I wanna save them for in case I need them. Guess I'll just have to level up more first. I hate power leveling. So boring :(
FF7Deroth's forum posts
Trust me, I want to go after Long Gui, but I'm just not strong enough. I've tried a ton of different techniques, and I just can't even get close. But I guess that's worth another try. Better than spending days trying to get them from Adamantoise's.Equip only 1 connoisseur catalog and kill Long Gui instead. I got the 5 traps. I needed in a row just fighting them. They have a normal 5% drop rate so with the CC you should have them in no time.
Okay, I've looked everywhere, and I can only ever seem to find strategies for farming Trapazohedrons from Adamantoise's that talk about using a single Connoisseur Catalog. But I can't find anything that says they can't be stacked. I want to know if you can stack them (I saved a spare file where I made 3 of them). If you can, does it matter whether they're all on the same character or one on each? And if you can't stack them, approximately how many hours would it take to get six with just one CC?
Also, is anyone absolutely sure about the drop percentages? The Wiki says 1% drop rate for Traps, and when you use a CC it goes to 10%. But I've also heard that it only brings it up to 5% and someone even said it only makes it 1.1%. None of those even make sense to me because I've heard it doubles the chance of drop... which would be 2%. I'm just so confused.
Any help would be appreciated.
Yeah, do it and get a few PS1 games and memory cards too cuz that is where you
will find the best games. Besides, most 360's are living on borrowed time anyway,
if you know what I mean (Red ring IS still a threat).
Mine is when I spent months attempting to defeat Emerald Weapon on FF7.
I didn't know that I was TERRIBLY under-leveled (only level 35) and I didn't have
the internet to look up how to do it (not like I would have thought of that anyway.
He was SO hard for me that I actually though I was the first person to beat him
(hey I was only 9). Then I leveled a bit (to 45) and BARELY beat him.
Most crazy type of astounding, I would have to go with the Metal Gear Series.
But greatest (and still somewhat unexpected) story, I would have to agree with
FFuematsufan that it is FF9 for me.
Weakest: Final Robotnik on Sonic 1.
Toughest: There are a few:
1.Robotnik on Sonic 2
2.Emerald Weapon (if you are under level 50) from FF7
3.Sephiroth from KH1 and KH2 on the hardest difficulties
4.Yazmat from FF12
5.The final special costume boss on Hot Shots Golf 3
6.Omega Shenron Lvl 99. on DBZ Budokai 3 (not Tenkaichi)
Tough bosses (as long as they aren't tough cuz thier cheap) are the best parts of games.
Square/ Square Enix might have set the RPG 'fad' into motion, however the FF series is not that great. decent storylines and sub-par gameplay don't quite cut it for me. The FF series has also never proposed much of a challenge for me. RedDraco66
I would agree that the FF's are never very challenging, (though 12 is sort of an exeption), but the they always have a unique feel that sets them apart. They have there own Final Fantasy feel that comes when you buy it, and stays forever. Plus Nobuo Uematsu is the greatest music composer there is.
But I can see where you come from as it depends on what you see as unique, and innovative gameplay and story.
[QUOTE="FF7Deroth"]Truthfully, I have never found an RPG that I didn't like.
This oughta do it.
Actually, I have that game, and though I never played all the way through it, I don't think it is horrible, though there are MANY better ones.
I also enjoy some of the other fairly un-talked about rpgs like EVO, Bahumut Lagoon, Seiken Densetsu 3, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore,
and Lufia 1 and 2. But still, FF 7,8, and 9 are the best because they capture art in every way... music, story, gameplay etc.
I actually didn't like Klonoa the first time I played through it (I bought it because the back of the case reminded me of Sonic for some reason).
But everyone says that it was really good I still have it. I should try it again, since it works on the ps2, unlike Tomba.
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