I have just come back from Hong Kong, alive and in one piece. I have to say that the journey back on Cathay Pacific has been very smooth. A whole 12 hours direct flight from HK international airport to Heathrow and right now I am very tired from the entire journey. By entire I also mean the extra 5 hours total of driving back to home in Wales. I arrived on Britsh soil at around 6.20 am.
It should have been under 4 hours but I got lost trying to get out of Heathrow and finding the M4 west to Wales. I got stuck in traffic on the M4 towards Reading direction. Along the way I desperately needed the bathroom very badly, while getting stuck in the Reading traffic. Which I then got road rage and blasted all the male species for having the most convenient way for ummm.... I dare not say the u-word incase I might just offend Gamespot themselves but then... It's true for you gentlemen out there, it's very convenient during rush hour traffic or when there's no presence of the cubicle. It's just not fair.
A little advice, pay closer attention to your sat nav's direction.
As soon as I got to my home town, I took my laptop into a computer repair shop. It would boot up and I'm afraid that the hard drive might be done for. Even more worrying, most of my stuff is not backed up...