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Hello everyone!
Did you know I love anime figure too?
You can check my collection of figures at:
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Oh, it's you.
It has been a reaaally long time!
I love to quote this game! Almost every line is hilarious.
Well, I wanted to write about this game sooner, but since the PSN Incident, I couldn't enjoy the game its fullest.
But now, my little review:
Portal 2 begins in a small room, neat but looks like a cheap motel. When you hear the announcer's voice, you immediately know that you are still at Aperture Science. After a few moments all turns dark and everything looks old and forgotten. Soon after, a mechanic eyeball knocks at the door, and explaning lots of things have happened since you last woke up, and you need to find a gun that makes holes, but not bullet holes.
Like this starts one of the best games this year, and recently one of my personal favorites. It is hilarious, clever and better than the original, which captivated me, specially GLaDOS.
The only thing I didn't like was, it is still short, even though is twice as long as the original. The co-op adds more hours to the game, but still have this feelling that it is short. Oh, I forgot also how difficult it is to find a partner online, if it is not a friend.
But anyways, the game s excellent, almost perfect, and I love it.
My rating:
Hi every1!
Sorry I'm late, but I had things to do, and I didn't have new games until a couple of months ago. Anyways, this are the new games I'm currently playing, and I'm enjoying them VERY much. Excellent games.
BATTLEFIELD: Bad Company™ 2 is the one taking most of my time, trying to reach that Rank 50. Right now, I'm at 27. Yeah, pretty far from the goal, but at least I'm halfway there...
The campaign is really simple and short, and almost forgetable, so, not so much to speak in here. Only a few parts are memorable, and some dialogues are really fun to hear.
But what it lacks in campaign, it adds it all up to multiplayer. The maps, vehicles, kits, weapons and rewards are fantastic and makes it HUGE and fun nonstop. Very recommended for people looking for an alternative to Modern Warfare 2. Even if both are shooters, they're very different approaches to the genre. If you hate camping as much as me, you'll love this game, as camping is very difficult, and it doesn't last too long for those who use it in here.
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony is the first expansion that felt worth the $20 I spent to download.
Even the story is short , as I expected, the side missions and other stuff turns it to hours of gameplay and fun. The dialogues are VERY funny, the missions are insane, the characters are insane as well and the extra weapons, vehicles and multiplayer modes are the "cherry on the cake". And all that, on 2 GB. Very recommended.
Super Street Fighter IV is, in my opinion, the best fighting game out there, so I decided to buy it. To be honest, it still on its way to my home, so I don't have it on my hands. But it will be playing on my PS3 in a few days. Little review in a few days.
Well, see yah next month!
Hi everyone! Welcome to the first edition of 'Now Watching...' blog entries. This section is dedicated to anime only, in all of its variations.
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) is an anime that obviosly in everyone's mind last year, but leaved us very dissapointed. The whole Endless Eight incident made the series callapse, and many fans of Haruhi left in angry with Kyoto Animation. Why making 8 episodes of the same thing? I don't know the answer, either.
Anyways, now that I downloaded, I finally got the guts to start it. Right now, I'm at the last episode of the Endless Eight segment, and thank God! I could finally move on with the good part.
The animation is superb, but no as good as it was back in 2006. The art remind us very much to Lucky*Star and K-ON!, so they are simple but cute and refined.
The sound is good, with nice background music and excellent voice-acting. I love all the seiyuus that work on the series, specially Hirano Aya [Haruhi] and Sugita Tomokazu [Kyon].
In the end, is Haruhi we are speaking, so it's a very good anime.
My score (so far):
[ myanimelist info ]
Renkin San-kyuu Magical? Pokaan is one of those animes that is just totally random. And that's it. I'm not saying that's a bad though. Magical Pokaan is an anime that can be enjoyed anytime, without following a real plot, since it doesn't have one to begin with. It is just pure fun and craziness. It got to me, since is one of the previous works of Hirano Aya, before Suzumiya. So this anime is pretty old, yes.
Warning: This anime contains fan-service, and lots of it. Well, not that much, but it has several pantsu-shots and ero moments, so if you are one of those that doesn't like this kind of thing, just skip to the next on the list.
The animation is pretty and simple. Even though is not a big budget project, and the anime is from early 2006, it looks good and the character design is beautiful, but somehow, generic.
The sound is good enough. The OP is nice and serious (nothing to do with the series, *laugh*) and the ED songs are variations of the same song, but related with each character, so they are fun and nice. Typical JPOP.
So far, I am enjoying the series. There are some episodes that are hilarius, but others, are just non-sense.
My score so far:
[ myanimelist info ]
Jigoku Shoujo: Mitsuganae continues the series, that seemed to end on its second season.
When I found out that there was a third season of Jugoku Shoujo, I freaked! Didn't [...] at the end of the second season?! (I won't ruin you the story if you haven't seen the anime).
So far, I have seen only a few episodes (four, I think) and it is just awesome! It's Enma Ai!
She has now a new companion and new people to send to hell.
The animation is INCREDIBLE! Definitely big budget. It combines CG and high-quality hand animation, making some scenes really remarkable and cool.
The sound is very good, with nice voice-acting (and the return of the whole original cast). The opening and the ending great and very Jigoku Shoujo-themed. No complains in here.
The enjoyment is obviosly very high, and I really recommend it. If you are one of the people that thinks that the series ended on the second season and you don't need so watch this one, let me tell you that you are wrong. Is awesome and every fan need to see it.
My score so far:
[ myanimelist info ]
Well, and that's it! Thank you for reading.
See yah in February!
Hello everyone! Welcome to my first 'Now Playing' blog post of this year, and also the very first one with current-gen games.
As you can see, I'm playing Ninja Gaiden Σ 2, Killzone 2 and Assassin's Creed II. All share that they are sequels of previous releases.
Ninja Gaiden Σ 2 is the newest I have, being purchesed a few days ago, and a game that I bought for just one thing: The Girls. Yes, no the story, not graphics, no difficulty; THE GIRLS. Having the control of Ayane, Rachel and Momiji was the main motive to buy this game. Yes, I admit I can be a little perv in there.
After that, I can see that the story it's good, but no great; and everything else works incredibly good (except, of course, the camera). The difficulty is at other level, making it very challenging and good for hardcore gamers like myself. The combos are very worked; after all, it's Dead or Alive's developer: TECMO.
In the end, it turn ot to be a cool and good game.
My score:
Killzone 2 is the one I'm playing the most. Having passed the game in almost all the difficulties, I moved on to the online matches. Since I am very new at playing online (being part of the PSN community for less than 2 months) I didn't know that playing online was AWESOME! The fun is non-stop and sometimes is just insane!
The best Online Competitive Game of 2009 for GameSpot, you don't need to know why I'm playing it.
My score:
Assassin's Creed II is one that, honestly, I don't own, but a friend lend it to me. The game itself is huge, with lots of things to do, and the map is enormous. Being in the 15th Century Italy, the world is very alive, and you can see that every character on-screen is doing something, and the enviroment changes as you do. The sense of playing one of those games that are worthy your time is very strong.
Unique, bigger and better than its predecessor, it's a game you must play.
My score:
Hi everyone!
As you can see, I'm back. And with my old username.
Maybe you haven't notice it, but I was banned from GameSpot several months ago, and without a reason (at least, one they could gave me).
One day, trying to login, I get this big image telling me I was banned, and a big 'GAME OVER' legend on top of that. Reasons: none. Since that day until today, I haven't been contacted by GameSpot or CBS Interactive for this sudden decision, and why I'm back. I found out just yesterday, that I was no longer banned and with all my information intact.
>Well, I guess it was a mistake from them (and I hope it was that), and desided not to contact them, because I really don't care anymore. The only thing that matters is...
I'm Back!
Well, this conference was by far, the best at the E3; not only because of the games shown, but the conference itself was great and nice to watch. The only thing I didn't like was the Japanese/English presentation of Gran Turismo and MGS: PW, but the rest was very well-made.
The surprise of PSP Go went down because of the leak a few days ago, but it didn't stop me to get surprised of its size and sleek design. The removing of the UMD was a good choice, in my opinion, since it's not a very practical media and makes the battery to dry up really fast. The storage capacity is somehow good, but no excellent. Giving the fact that is a multimedia device, 16GB is not enough, and even less if you have several games, pics and music at the same time. The good thing is that it has removable media, so you can expand its memory. But the idea of spending more money for storage is not a good one, at least for me.
The Gran Turismo for PSP was the one of the big ones for the PSP, and it is pretty impressive that it runs at 60 frames per second, the smoothest game so far for the little sister of the PlayStation 3. Even though they didn't show actual gameplay, the footage shown was great, and I hope the actual game looks like the one on the video.
One of the big surprises for the PSP was the Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. Not being a spin-off, but a real sequel is one big point to mention. Located mostly in Costa Rica (my homeland!), and confirming that Outer Heaven was in Costa Rica was one big shock for me. The graphics looked very much to MGS3, and that's definitely a good thing for a PSP, and the story mode looks very detailed. Let's hope it makes at least a 20 hours gameplay. I don't know how much they can put on a single UMD, for old PSP users.
Then, more footage of one of the most anticipated games this year, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, leaves us astonished with the movie-like detail and gameplay the game offers. Some tweaks need to me made yet, like bullets not harming the character; but the rest of the game runs flawlessly. What I like the most is the almost invisible blend between real game action and a video clip. Awesome.
When Assassin's Creed 2 was announced, it didn't actually surprised me, since it was pretty obvious the game will approach the game-shelves later this year, but when I saw some work-in-progress of the game, it looked fantastic. Located on the Italian Renaissance, the amount of movements you can do, and colorful scenery looked amazing and shows that this one will be a hell of a game.
OK, who thinks that the new motion-sensing controller was because of the Wii? Yep, me too. Looking similar, yet not the same technology, this new feature can be some good news for upcoming titles, and even for already released games, that maybe can be patched via PlayStation Network after the market sale of the controller. It surprised me the way the controller responds and the precision of it. And it's still on development, so we can wait for even more impressive things from this device.
After the appearance of Final Fantasy XIII, I realize that I really want this game. The game looks so full of color and graphically impressive. The game has some cool characters and the story looks the most epic yet, with some huge places to run and explore. But since the exclusivity was lost for the PS3, some fans didn't looked so thrilled as much as they should be. But, the biggest announcement for all FF fans was about to be said by the SCEA President and CEO Jack Tretton: Final Fantasy XIV Online was on development and will be out sometime in 2010. And not only that, the confirmation of its exclusivity for the Play Station 3. Let's hope this one lasts al the way to the date of its first sale. Definitely, some big news here.
Then, from the creators of ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, the recently named project The Last Guardian, appeared on the impressive huge screen that had SONY for its conference. Showing some of the footage, that already was out there, including some new also, make us realize that this game will be a state of art, just like the other games if Team ICO.
Gran Turismo 5, well, what else can I say about this game? Stunning graphics, and the most extremely realistic gameplay for any driving simulator game. After some several delays from Polygraph, the time spent on this game looks like it was worthy after all.
And last but not least, God of War III. Insane gameplay and some good-looking graphics makes this the ace for SONY in 2010.
Even though I was waiting for more of this conference, it was great, and the best of the E3.
Well, what can I say about this game? I've played 23 hours in 2 days? That I cannot think of something else since I got it? Well, those things are only a few of the impressions the game has made on me.
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 is one of the best JRPG (Japanese Role-Playing Game) I've ever faced in my life.
The design is incredible, but simple. The gameplay is totally addictive. The story so cachy and gives the impression you're not even close to solve this whole mess, that makes me play even more and more.
The story stars as you, a teenage guy who has been transferred from the big city, to a small town in Japan. The first people you met are your uncle, and your cousin. From that, everything goes well. You go to the local high school, you meet new friends. All normal, but, something terrible happens: a woman is murdered by unknown reasons and found in a very peculiar way. But not only that, a few days later, the witness who found the woman's body is also found dead, and in a similar situation. And now, you and your new friend, who's the second victim's senpai, will try to investigate these strange murderers, to find out that someone who is throwing people in a world inside the TV is responsible of all this crimes.
What is this world "inside the TV"? Who, or what, is this "bear" they found inside this world? Could you and your new friends that you will find among the path solve this whole mystery? And what is the VELVET ROOM? Well, you have to play Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 to find out.
If you don't have nothing to play these holidays (and even if you do), and you own a PlayStation 2, Persona 4 is a MUST-OWN!
First, I have to apologize to everyone, since I haven't post anything in several days. But I back. Holidays here can keep you busy.Now, let me tell you about the main subject here.
Since 2002, every end of the year is held the biggest event of any Otaku here in Costa Rica: Festival de Anime y Manga Matsuri Costa Rica, or MATSURI for short. And this year was no exception.
In this festival, you can see a lot of stuff, including merchandise, cosplays, anime karaoke and many more, this year being the biggest MATSURI so far.
Me, I don't miss the opportunity to go since the year 2005, and I can tell, I've enjoyed 'em all.
Sorry I don't have any pictures to share with, since I forgot to bring the camera with me. But some friends took pictures for me, and their being sent anytime soon.
This one lasted 2 days, and became even international, since people all over Central America came to the event. I think over 3000 people came to event, being Sunday (the 2nd day) the most visited among all.
Well, not everything went as planned, but, most of it was incredible. The best MASTURI of all years, in my opinion.
Well, probably I'll update this post later so I can include some pictures. ^_^
See yah guys later. XD
Well, what can I say? Right now I'm playing Left4Dead on the Box that begins with an X and has numbers at the end.... :P
I don't have the system for myself, but I'm playing it. And that's all I need.
The game is GREAT. And when this HUGE amount of zombies comes and attack you. RUN, or FIRE ALL YOU HAVE, because they're a lot. ^_^
But, I found out that I need a friend to really enjoy the game. On Solo, I just boring, but yelling at you friend: "HEEEEELLP!!!! AHHHHH!!! AHHHH!!" Is amazing! ^_^
My score: 9.0 out of 10.
Have a good game!
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