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Now Watching... / 2nd Half January

Now Watching... - 1st Half January

Hi everyone! Welcome to the first edition of 'Now Watching...' blog entries. This section is dedicated to anime only, in all of its variations.

Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) is an anime that obviosly in everyone's mind last year, but leaved us very dissapointed. The whole Endless Eight incident made the series callapse, and many fans of Haruhi left in angry with Kyoto Animation. Why making 8 episodes of the same thing? I don't know the answer, either.

Anyways, now that I downloaded, I finally got the guts to start it. Right now, I'm at the last episode of the Endless Eight segment, and thank God! I could finally move on with the good part.

The animation is superb, but no as good as it was back in 2006. The art remind us very much to Lucky*Star and K-ON!, so they are simple but cute and refined.

The sound is good, with nice background music and excellent voice-acting. I love all the seiyuus that work on the series, specially Hirano Aya [Haruhi] and Sugita Tomokazu [Kyon].

In the end, is Haruhi we are speaking, so it's a very good anime.
My score (so far): starstarstarstarstar
[ myanimelist info ]

Renkin San-kyuu Magical? Pokaan is one of those animes that is just totally random. And that's it. I'm not saying that's a bad though. Magical Pokaan is an anime that can be enjoyed anytime, without following a real plot, since it doesn't have one to begin with. It is just pure fun and craziness. It got to me, since is one of the previous works of Hirano Aya, before Suzumiya. So this anime is pretty old, yes.

Warning: This anime contains fan-service, and lots of it. Well, not that much, but it has several pantsu-shots and ero moments, so if you are one of those that doesn't like this kind of thing, just skip to the next on the list.

The animation is pretty and simple. Even though is not a big budget project, and the anime is from early 2006, it looks good and the character design is beautiful, but somehow, generic.

The sound is good enough. The OP is nice and serious (nothing to do with the series, *laugh*) and the ED songs are variations of the same song, but related with each character, so they are fun and nice. Typical JPOP.

So far, I am enjoying the series. There are some episodes that are hilarius, but others, are just non-sense.

My score so far: starstarstarstarstar
[ myanimelist info ]

Jigoku Shoujo: Mitsuganae continues the series, that seemed to end on its second season.
When I found out that there was a third season of Jugoku Shoujo, I freaked! Didn't [...] at the end of the second season?! (I won't ruin you the story if you haven't seen the anime).

So far, I have seen only a few episodes (four, I think) and it is just awesome! It's Enma Ai!
She has now a new companion and new people to send to hell.

The animation is INCREDIBLE! Definitely big budget. It combines CG and high-quality hand animation, making some scenes really remarkable and cool.

The sound is very good, with nice voice-acting (and the return of the whole original cast). The opening and the ending great and very Jigoku Shoujo-themed. No complains in here.

The enjoyment is obviosly very high, and I really recommend it. If you are one of the people that thinks that the series ended on the second season and you don't need so watch this one, let me tell you that you are wrong. Is awesome and every fan need to see it.

My score so far: starstarstarstarstar
[ myanimelist info ]

Well, and that's it! Thank you for reading.
See yah in February!