people would still buy these things anyway regardless of how outdated these things work, because its nintendo and they always get away with outdated stuff
eew, nintendo should never ever touch that shitty game, easily the worst 3D zelda game ever, if they are going to remaster something it should be skyward sword and it should be on the wii u, i think skyward sword would definitely benefit that wind waker hd makeover given at how that game looked on the original wii
vita has the most number of games more than anything else than any other system this gen, but it also has the fewest quality games, and it looks like the trend continues
any reviews with no nostalgic feeling involved? or anything not heavily influenced by the fact that they played the original
How about Gamespot's 9.0 review?
The review only mentions the N64 game for the sake of technical comparisons and other improvements. It doesn't mention the reviewer's opinions of the N64 game, it doesn't mention nostalgia or the excitement of replaying the game after 15 years, and it spends a lot of the review talking about how accessible the remake is to new audiences.
So yeah, that seems to be exactly what you're looking for. A straightforward review of an excellent game.
probably the closest one since this is a remake, theres no way i can expect to have a review without the mentioning of the original one, like a basic standalone review from someone who never experienced the original so we can find out how this game have aged really well
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