When I first read this I though...meh... I didn't think about it all. Then I began to wander through the Forums and noticed all the topics about this. I read a few and wondered why people were coming up random topics about this such as, cube users missing out on stuff that only the rev controller can do. I decided it was that big of a deal if it did so I continued wandering. Though after a few minutes I stopped and thought over a few things. Unless it is delayed, Zelda is coming out around August (give or take a few months) and I figure most of its sales will be at its release. Most people will probably have beaten it before the Revolution comes out (if the Revolution comes out during the Christmas Season). If Zelda is released a large amount of time before the revolution, sells will be lower than they could be. Why? Because some of the people won't want to spend money on another console, just to play a game they already beat using a different control setup. This feature has been put in obviously to help sell the Revolution. So if Zelda isn't released at the Revolution launch, sells wouldn't be as nearly as high if they were released together, using each other to help promote sells. Nintendo, being a business afterall, will try to take advantage of this by releasing them together. But makes gets me excited is the release date. If they do this strategy and don't delay Zelda it means The Revolution will be released around August. W00T! W00T! I hope this happens!
Well.... that was my rant...kinda ended abruptly didn't it? Oh well...who cares? I don't.
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