I don't understand why this website always moderates me for completely insignificant things. I consider myself a clean person who abides by morals and respects others. In fact, I don't even consider it. I am and I do. I don't even swear in my personal life. If I express an opinion or make a joke somewhere on this site, I always seem to get modded for it. The problem is I can't find any real reason for someone to report me. I have disrespected no one. I obviously can't repeat what I've said in the past here otherwise I'll get modded again, but it is so stupid in my mind. I keep getting modded apparently because Gamespot thinks I'm being immaturely childish, but to get modded for the things I have been modded for it is my absolute opinion that Gamespot, and most of it's users, are the childish ones. It bugs me to no end. I'm really sick of it.
End of line.