Recently got a slim and initially intermittently but now happening all the time. The disc tray button ,which you dont actually need to touch on the slims ( just put finger near it ) seems to be constantly activated, even though the tray doesnt actually go in and out all the time. This causes the dashboard to asume that the disc tray is constantly opening or closing ( even though it isnt ), this in turn stops the 360 from loading whatever disc is in there. It happened a couple of times when I first got it but a couple of flicks of the finger across the button seemed to stop it. The middle light on the main power botton now flashes constantly whereas when its loading its supposed to stop on permanently. Anybody any ideas before I take it back to the shop? It was brand new when I got it so exchange or warranty should be no problem, just wondered if it was a common fault that would be easy to fix without the aggro of taking it back.
FLOBALOB-666's forum posts
You can use the old style hard drive units in the slims. Pick up a 20 gig old style drive (cheap as chips anywhere now), remove4 star screwsto remove plastic casing, then another 4 to remove shiny metal casing. Unplug connector block, and slide hard drive out. Thencarefully connect to your slim, it will only clip into place one way. ..... This works , I bought a 4gb slim yesterday as my old one was slowly dying and now have an old style 120 gb drive in it .
Same thing here a few days ago . Was actually online at time, got logged out, tried to log back in and couldnt . Recovered gamertag to console and found some achievements on fifa 12 ( which i dont own ) and 6000 points bought. Contacted microsoft twice ,first guy was an idiot reading out company spiel and playing it by the book, said investigation would take 25 days. He apologised about the problem but sounded like he couldnt care less. Second guy sort of let on that this happens a lot with both fifa 11 and 12 and that its related to the EA servers and accounts being less secure than microsofts. Apparently a lot of people use similar usernames and passwords when using the EA servers and this makes it easier to hack. Told roughly 21 days for account to be back up and refund about 5 days later. Will never put bank details online again, vouchers for me from now on.
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