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I'm BACK!!

Wooh. Finally back. It's been awhile. Well....ok it's been atleast a couple weeks. Forgive me Nintendo Characters Union, Christian Union, Conservative Union, and Military Union for my absence. I'm back on track now (hopefully) so no need to worry.

We're getting there.

Well, GS is moving along nicely. Moderation status has been returned, as has the level-up status. We still need for all unions to show up though. And the contacts page is running a little weird. Otherwise, just make the updating on the site faster (number of posts, leveling up, shown reviews, etc.) and I think it'll be better than ever.

Well, GS is moving along.

Well, we all have become quite impatient with GS by now, but, it's looking up. We have all the forums back, those annoying ads are now back on the top of our pages >.< and it's coming together. A couple things we still need? Our mod status, making comments on Unions, and, oh yeah, there's only 10 unions listed under each category on the search engine. That could help getting fixed first.