Well...You are Kind of right about the lcd not reflecting light. BUT For the most part, A LOT ofthe guns use a very simple image recognition to register the hits and misses.
What I THINK Would be very cool....Would be a Gun Controller about the size of a Sub-machine gun. The Gun would have the Point... Aim and Shoot that would be used to aim instead of solely the Right Thumbstick. THEN the two sticks could be installed on the gun.the right stick would beby your right thumb ( as you hold the gun at the ready) Then the left stick would be mounted near the Foregrip of the Gun. you can be ready to raise the weapon at any time and your thumbs can Always stay on those sticks. THEN of course the color Y,X,B,A Buttons would also be within quick reach. As well as the Silver xbox button and others. The Trigger ( RT) Would be the trigger on the gun. And So On...you get the idea. So this "Gun Controller" would have everything a regular controller would have.PLUS the Aiming at the screen feature.This way ... With an update toyour Xbox, couldenable the Gun to control to work on ALL EXISTING FPS games . And the ONLY Thing that would need to be configured would be the Aiming feature....It could easily be programmed to Still use the Right stick to look around but the Actual Aiming feature would be controlled by pointing the gun at the screen and Physically Aiming at the targets.
I Know A LOT Of people have a hard time learning how to Aim Fast using the Stick. And OF COURSE Having a Gun to point at the screen would be an unfair advantage over the players using standard controllers. SO That would also be a controlled setting. It Would be allowed or not within the main lobby or startup portion of the Games being played on xbox live.
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