Well I've gotten more loot since the last month :?! To begin, today I received Metro 2033 for PC in the mail today. I had ordered that off of eBay for a total of $12.96 US (including shipping). I had also ordered and received from eBay Darksiders for PC for $13.49 US (including shipping), as well as several keysets for the SteelSeries Zboard which I have actually had for several years now (before the brand came under ownership of SteelSeries)! The keysets I purchased were for Starcraft 2, Battle For Middle Earth II, Medal of Honour: Pacific Assault and Age Of Empires III. However the AoE III and BFME II keysets had some slight damage on them when I received them, so I contact the seller on eBay and we are in the middle of working something out. So hopefully that turns out well. Especially since the BFME II keysets looks appealing, as it supports both the original and second game of the BFME series. In regards to movies, I also recent picked up Rango Blu-Ray combo pack for $19.99 Cdn from Future Shop ($22.59 after taxes) as well as Skyline on Blu-Ray for $9 Cdn from Wal-Mart ($9.15 after employee discount/taxes). And lastly speaking of Starcraft 2, I've completed the campaign portion of it....twice I might add......boy do I love that game :D. Let's just say I got sooo hooked at one point that I purchased (besides the Zboard keyset) a bunch of other Starcraft II products. Most notably the Razer Banshee Starcraft II Headsets for $99.99 ($112.99 after taxes) from Canada Computers. I also purchased the SteelSeries Tychus Findley Edition mousepad during that time period for $10.88 ($12.29 after taxes) from Canada Computers as well. But I do also have the Marines and Marauder Editions which I had purchased much earlier. Oh and speaking of headsets, I also got the Creative Fatal1ty Professional Series MKII Heatsets. Those costed me $53 Cdn ($59.89 after taxes).
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