As usual, I'm staying in the dorm during this Thanksgiving. Yesterday I went to one of my teacher's house with some friends to have dinner. It was really good. After dinner I started working on a paper for one of my music classes (the paper is due on Tuesday 11/30, which shows I'm really a slacker when it comes to schoolwork). I'm working on my paper and practing cello and violin during the day and playing games at night.
I got Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution and Soul Calibur 2 last Wednesday but I've played VF4E only for about 30 minutes and I haven't played SC2 at yet. I've spent most of my time playing NFSU2 (I rented it from GameFly and I'm deciding whether I should buy it or not). Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore and Tekken Tag Tournament should be in my mailbox sometime next week but I don't think I'll have time to play all those games until finals week is over.
Right now I'm working on my paper and I'm doing my best to finish ASAP so I can use the rest of my time to play games. I can't wait until Christmas break, I'm tired of schoolwork, rehearsal, recitals, etc; hopefully I'll spend a lot of time playing games during Christmas break.