I've never had so much fun with games like I had in the past two months. The reason for that is that two months ago I got Xbox Live. As many of you know, 2D-fighting is my favorite genre; I've loved 2D-fighting since I was a little boy. However, here where I live the very few people that play 2D-fighters are absolutely horrible so, that being said, there is no competition, I'm the best around here (no, I'm not an expert, is just that people around here suck really bad). When I got XBL I finally had the chance to play against people of my level and even against people who were a lot better than me. I lost a lot more matches than I won but still, I had a good time and I learned a lot of stuff about the games, how to counter scrubby tactics and also certain strategies that high level players use.
I'm a university student and I live in the university dorm, which means, cable, phone and internet are all included, all I have to do is to plug in my Xbox and start playing. However, in the past weekend the technology department made the stupidest decision ever: they decided to block XBL in the university network. That means, me and a lot of other people that live in the dorms won't be able to play on XBL anymore. They gave us all of that crap that XBL slows down the network, it puts the network in danger, viruses, etc. Oh yeah, people screw up and the first thing they do is to blame it on games, that's very easy, maybe they should actually do their jobs and find the best way to solve problems instead of just blaming it all on games. This is going to sound silly, but after they put the firewalls and blocked XBL the network actually got a bit slower, I want see who they're going to blame now that XBL is gone.
Anyways, I'm very pissed about all of this. I was having a good time, playing against good players, improving my playing but it's all over at least for now so, here I go again, back to playing against BS CPU characters. For all of those on my XBL friends list, you know who you are, good games, I really enjoyed playing you all, even when I lost. I hope I can get back online sometime soon.