Uhhhhhh already trying to forget GS? http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/116360-Jeff-Gerstmann-Explains-His-Departure-From-Gamespot. Your Management fired an employee over a publisher threatening to pull advertising/money.
Id say there will only be a few cases of publishers outright bribing a reviews, what I and most rational people question is the relationship between reviewers and publishers which are inappropriate. http://wosland.podgamer.com/a-table-of-cowards/
US sites seem to have ignored what happened in the UK with "Doritosgate".
Lol is it the only game coming out now or something? I can't imagine anyone waiting for this. Or did Gamespot receive free Doritos and Mountain Dew again from MS.
Ill tell you what Johnny, you get it with your OWN money, then we'll talk :D
Uhmm giving a game a bad score for the type of game it is, or because you don't agree with the choices available to the main character you're obviously a fan of is not professional, don't you know!
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