as many as you saw the conference of MS introducing the new XBOX ONE; but somehow, yeah, new technollogy and smart glass integration are great, that new kinect and bundled already on each console, ah, and lets not forget the battery already included in wireless controller; those are great. but well. i know it was about the hardware itself..but still,
exactly, at least some good games, not the ones we knew they were making an appareance.
and a game made from gamers to gamers.....what i say was a huge commercial about the console and the new integration with the tv, and channels, and some win 8 integration.
COME ON MS, don;t you get real feedback?
check the countless forums, the tech geeks postings, rss feeds, etc...
WIN 8 is **** up (thats why the new blue O.S.)
smartglass is still costly and not for many tight budgets
xbox live (yeah, its a great online service with little to none errors) but please, give some more incentive in our good earned dollars we spend there (PSN is free, and gives multiplayer out of the system without paying, and for those who pay the PSN + .......THEY GET FREE GAMES, not only psn network tittles, but full free games, like uncharted 2, infamous, killzone, etc..) so chip in a little MS.
and PC is king on the online front, and they are many great games that are free to play.
i can do all of that (and thats my setup) with the pc i have, its multimedia, i installed a kinect camera and used the programable gestures of the software (just look it up on google, there is all there) and set it up, been seeing and enjoying netflix and hulu on the tv for a while now, not to mention my kick ass music and photos.
its good though for those who dont have a pc for multimedia or dont want to go to the hassle of doing that on their pc's....but come on, seriously, give me games. i know E3 was about games, and hopefully they will be.
but please, tell me something on how this tech, can help on the gaming edge, maybe a halo game that utilizes commands and movement from both kinect and control; a gears game with that, some new game i havent seen doing all sort of cool things. NOT JUST **** FANTASY FOOTBALL.
still, i am looking forward to this E3, hopefully you can do show there good things.
IF not, well, its up to SONY and Nintendo.
i will have to dig deep into the steam box, a mass produced mini pc that can handle great things and great games. with kick ass resolution and with steam service which kick ass.
OTON; what i had been hearing of this, its going to be a game changer; free game, free user created content, play free games, and pay if you want premium versions. user creation content royalty free (meaning you can sell your content if you want and get the full payment); free multiplayer and online user interaction. lets see if they can come true with their promises.
Ouya seems to be ok, cool, lets test more of it.
shield might be the next great killer portable that might send nintendo back on their backs.
enjoy gaming