FZTofer / Member

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Soo I Got It...

So I just a PS3 for my birthday (about a week ago) and I also got Little Big Planet. I just beat the Little Big Planet story mode over thanksgiving break and I have to say it was amazing... Little Big Planet is by far one of my favorite games. I was messing around online in LBP and I noticed a lot of lag... I don't know if its the servers being overseas or if its just a flood of people on their servers but I gave up on it after about 20 minutes because I couldn't do anything...


But today I got Fallout 3 and so far it is an amazing game. I only had time to play the first part of the game and go through the stages of growing up and escaping the vault... So far the game is amazing, obviously I haven't gotten very in depth in the game yet, but from the reviews and that way it is so far I don't think I will have a problem with it.




PSN ID: ToferG