FZeroBoyo / Member

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A Later Wednesday Blog

Yes, this blog is coming a little later than usual but I still made it out before midnight here in Mesa. =P

So when I went walking this morning, I stopped by the Student Union and got a drink and a donut. However, there was a problem with the register so I stood there for five minutes to check out. When it had been fixed, they let me go as compensation for waiting. In other words, I got a free donut and drink. Awesome. =D

So today was similar to Monday in terms of structure. I had precalculus at noon and took notes for our next assignment due next Monday. The work was easy and I found it easy to understand, so there's little to say here. =D

After that, I was sitting in my dorm playing Bowser's Inside Story for about three hours straight. I made more progress and made my characters stronger while watching a view funny video reviews of some movies. In the midst of it, we had a fire drill in the dorm, which woke everyone up I suppose. While we're on that subject, I don't believe I've told you the name of my dorm hall: it's named Phantom Hall. Cool, huh? =D

Then we had engineering class, where we got some helpful feedback for the presentations we gave on Monday. After that, we just took down notes and did a few exercises on torque (force times the radius of a circle) so it went by pretty fast. Then I had dinner and came back here. I've been browsing numerous sites and finished my reflection for myEnglishclass.

So I have one question here for you. From MightyBFan25, who asks:

1. Do you have classes for all your subjects in college every day?

The answer is no. We have most classes about two to three times a week. I have precalculus on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and I have physics on Tuesday and Thursday. It's spaced out quite well, as one gets to customize their schedule a bit when picking classes.

So that is all for now. Now, I haven't forgotten about that "Random Game" I promised you. Expect a start-up... tomorrow. =D
